Sunday, May 22, 2005

Temperature Is Rising

Yesterday was the hottest it has been since my return to Baghdad. Right now our temp appears to be around 112 degrees, but the CNN has it only as 105. The Weather Channel has it at 85 feels like 80, HA that's laughable like to see their collective tales over here in this sun and tell me its only 85 degrees out. What ever the case it is hot and its only May yet so we have a long summer ahead of us.

Not too much going on I forgot to mention we had a local dinner the other night here at the camp. A local we call the Captain brought us a very large spread that could have fed about 50 or so people. I have to admit that I am somewhat fond of their local foods. They make most of their dishes with some kind of meat or another, but the one thing that I have to say I enjoy the most is this rice mix they make with raisins, almonds, peas, and I believe nutmeg or some kind of seasoning similar to it. A very interesting taste and with their meat pies it can go for miles. I will have to find out more about their meals and see if there is anywhere in the States that makes these delicious meals so I can indulge myself even more. Until then I will have to get my fill while I am here. Mic I believe this will please you so enjoy.

Love Always,



Anonymous said...


Sorry about the heat. We've been getting pictures in the paper of the soldiers dealing with the heat. When will you be home for the wedding??
I want to talk to you soon about recycling some of my electronics- by e-mail or phone?? Let m know. Love you

Anonymous said...