Friday, May 20, 2005

3rd Times a Charm

Today I went to do a PM and actually got some pics to show off. Nothing really great just of me working and a couple of a good friend of mine (which we will name Patty a.k.a. the Lion). Patty and I have become good friends and it is my hope that it carries over back in the States.

Anyway back to the PM, so originally this was suppose to be done last week, but got pushed back because of something more important. Well then they get on to me about them not being done. What do you expect me to do I will not make important what you yourself aren't willing to make important. If you are the manager and you dictate everything that happens and don't make what I need to do a priority then don't expect me to. So the PM was suppose to happen on Thursday, but didn't and when it was discussed with the manager JJ he said that it has been pushed back till the end of the month, but there wasn't anything scheduled for that day. Well I asked why was it getting pushed back if there is nothing on the schedule? They were unable to tell me why and so I asked if we could do it and RL (the manager I care the world for ya right) said I don't care do it tomorrow then. What do you mean you don't care you better care cause I'm not gonna beg you to risk my life to do a job you can't even fathom to begin with, nor even care if it gets done. So there was suppose to be a meeting and we were suppose to talk about doing (or lack there of) the PM for the next day. Well the meeting was cancelled and we were left with nothing. I decided that if they unofficially pushed the date back till the end of the month then I don't have to worry about getting up to go tomorrow so I slept in. Well after I got up the tech on duty asked me why didn't I go to the PM this morning. I laughed and said it was rescheduled by the same person that asked you why I didn't go.

Well we had a meeting that night and we were dispatched the following morning after working my shift and only having 4 hours of sleep. Its a good thing I have this blog to release my frustrations, because without it I don't know how I would deal with some of the dumb, ignorant, moronic decisions as well as a few choice words that I will NOT use. If this were a start up company in the US we wouldn't have lasted 6 months before we were bankrupt and in court for any number of reasons. I will definitely take what I learn from here as what not to do, not what to do it I am to be a successful businessman. One thing is for sure if you can't depend on yourself surely don't rely on anyone else...

What a world


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