Saturday, May 07, 2005

Still Safe, but Still here

I was suppose to go to the Green Zone on yesterday, but we had some other jobs going on so they pushed the PM back to Sunday. I am told that I will work my shift (12-6 minus 2 hours) and then do 2 PM's that will take 2-3 hours to do a piece. Talk about a full days work man I will be exhausted by the end of the day. Got to do what you got to do thankfully I will have learned more in that short time than I have since I've been here. The funny thing is I have been getting emails and calls in regards to jobs back in the States. Unfortunately for them I won't be able to grace them with my presence (just kidding).

No but seriously when I leave here I hope to spend every (almost every) waking moment with my wife. As much as she gets on my nerves and as much as I can't stand some things she does I couldn't even imagine what life would be without her. To coin a phrase "If loving her is wrong, then I don't wanna be right". Actually that would be song lyrics, but you get the idea. So my main goal has been to provide a stable future with what I make here so that I won't run into the same problems E and I have had in the not so far past.

here's to the Future

And what ever it may bring.


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