Thursday, May 05, 2005

Cinco De Mayo...

Not too much has been going on here we had a pretty good wake up call today with a mortar attack at the airport. The point of impact sounded close, but it wasn't. It was however close enough to cause a lack of power for a few seconds. When it sounds like an attack is close we are suppose to go into the common area which just so happens to be a building with 18inch thick walls. Well after the first hit which sounded very close, I started to go the breakroom (common area) when Ray L. (the project manager) said don't come out (who himself happened to be out). I then said "shouldn't we go to the break room, because these CON-Xs aren' going to be much protection if we happened to get shelled". So he had a kind of "oh ya your right" look on his face and we proceeded.

On the way there all the people in the yard were looking for the point of impact and taking pictures. I like explosions just as much as the next guy, but generally speaking I prefer them in my movies, not in my real life. A mortar doesn't have to land on you in order to do its damage. One could land 100 feet away and the resulting concussion or shrapnel could be your demise. This attack, all though wasn't that close, has been the closest attack to us by far. We can almost always here the carbombs and rocket attacks and every once in a while can hear small arms fire (gun battles). However it has never had any effect on us directly considering the attacks, generally speaking, are miles away from us.

So while you go out and have a few drinks for happy hour, or just sit back and enjoy a movie at home, just remember those that don't have those simple luxuries (namely I mean our troops not myself) and ask yourself what can I do for them. One thing is for sure being over here will give you a definite appreciation for home and what we have been blessed with. Whether or not you support Bush, or even believe in war is really irrelevant. Our troops are here because they are told to not because they want to and we should support them every way we can as much as we can. Sorry to go off on a tangent...



Anonymous said...

Hello there,
Today is May 6 here, what day is it there? Since I am at work, you must be also. Hope all is well. I will be working this weekend, so I can constantly check the blog for updates as I am doing NOW. Also, you can call me at work at anytime.

K-Dub said...

It is actually May 7th now But I will have a new post up shortly. I actually have been a little busy, not much but a bit.

Anonymous said...

Oh, am I yelling?? Guess I'm just a little excited and happy to get a response before I leave tonight. Now, I will be able to sleep.....:~)