Sunday, May 29, 2005

Dirty Dozen

Since my arrival almost 6 months ago I have seen plenty of people come and go, but as of late I have only seen them go. We are losing yet again more personal with rumors of losing 3 more in the immediate future one being a switch guy. We have gone from almost 40 people on camp to just a handful and two more guys went on break today leaving us very short handed. One thing is for certain we don't have a shortage of LN's and from what I hear there will be more. I can see why considering the fact that they get paid less than 10% of what we get paid, but I don't have to like it. Fortunate for me none of the LN's are properly trained in my field and it would take more time than I will be here to get them up to speed. I have tried to talk them through how to execute commands and it was a very long process just to do the simplest task.

Time is what you make it and I cant see 6 feet in front of me when it comes to the decisions that our so called "Leaders" make. So at the moment I will make use f what I get and stay clear of any shopping sprees at least for a while (lol).

Take care and talk to ya soon.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Bombs Under Control...!?!

I forgot to mention the other day I witnessed a controlled explosion the other day when I went to lunch. Well it was somewhat under control anyway. The story goes as such, myself and 2 of our great protective service individuals went to lunch and when we got to the checkpoint we were asked to hold for a minute while they got rid of some ordnance. Not 5 seconds after he asked us to hold came a small explosion and a dust cloud probably 100 or more feet away from us. A second after that a piece of shrapnel came and landed 20 feet in front of our car and bounced past us from right to left. It was a small fragment, but had we been moving at the time they did their "controlled explosion" it might have hit our car.

Interestingly enough there are several locations where there are explosives ordnance that didn't go off on impact that is still around. When they cant get to it they will tape off the area in some way or another and come back to it. I saw one that (from what I was told) had been there for a year now. See we were told that only 45% of the mortars shot are duds, but that was back in December. So the actual mortar isn't a threat, but it still has explosives inside so they detonate the explosives to keep them from "accidentally" blowing up or even possibly being set off by another landing within its proximity.

Another interesting tid bit that I was told when I was in orientation in Kuwait back in December (man that seems forever ago) the guy said that our biggest concern shouldn't be the insurgents, but private PSD teams and the Army convoys. Which under the circumstances you can understand, because the military and the Private security details have been targets of opportunity to the insurgents. I mean this doesn't give them the excuse to shoot first and ask questions later, but you can see where they can be a little skittish and high strung. Not something I have to worry to much about, but just something I have to be aware of. When I was home it was funny having other things to worry about other than the things I have gotten use to here. Things seemed so small when I was back home, having seen the world from this perspective has its advantages. You learn the hard way that in the grand scheme of things we are a spec on the grand design. The thing to remember is whether or not we are that spec to be remembered or just another smug that needs cleaning...!! Ponder on that for a moment...

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Patty Boy

Patty a.k.a. The Lion Posted by Hello

This here is my good buddy Patty boy from the Coast. Despite that he is white he is actually a great guy (LOL). Just kidding don't get in a huff everyone, but really it is a relief to have him support us and I will be honest I feel very safe when he is around. That isn't hype so that you can feel at ease with where I am and what I am doing I'm just saying that if I can feel safe enough in his care then you shouldn't worry so much. There aren't many people here any more that I really talk to on a regular the basis and with the exception of the switch guys I HAVE to interact with on a daily basis Patty boy is of the few select.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Temperature Is Rising

Yesterday was the hottest it has been since my return to Baghdad. Right now our temp appears to be around 112 degrees, but the CNN has it only as 105. The Weather Channel has it at 85 feels like 80, HA that's laughable like to see their collective tales over here in this sun and tell me its only 85 degrees out. What ever the case it is hot and its only May yet so we have a long summer ahead of us.

Not too much going on I forgot to mention we had a local dinner the other night here at the camp. A local we call the Captain brought us a very large spread that could have fed about 50 or so people. I have to admit that I am somewhat fond of their local foods. They make most of their dishes with some kind of meat or another, but the one thing that I have to say I enjoy the most is this rice mix they make with raisins, almonds, peas, and I believe nutmeg or some kind of seasoning similar to it. A very interesting taste and with their meat pies it can go for miles. I will have to find out more about their meals and see if there is anywhere in the States that makes these delicious meals so I can indulge myself even more. Until then I will have to get my fill while I am here. Mic I believe this will please you so enjoy.

Love Always,


Friday, May 20, 2005

3rd Times a Charm

Today I went to do a PM and actually got some pics to show off. Nothing really great just of me working and a couple of a good friend of mine (which we will name Patty a.k.a. the Lion). Patty and I have become good friends and it is my hope that it carries over back in the States.

Anyway back to the PM, so originally this was suppose to be done last week, but got pushed back because of something more important. Well then they get on to me about them not being done. What do you expect me to do I will not make important what you yourself aren't willing to make important. If you are the manager and you dictate everything that happens and don't make what I need to do a priority then don't expect me to. So the PM was suppose to happen on Thursday, but didn't and when it was discussed with the manager JJ he said that it has been pushed back till the end of the month, but there wasn't anything scheduled for that day. Well I asked why was it getting pushed back if there is nothing on the schedule? They were unable to tell me why and so I asked if we could do it and RL (the manager I care the world for ya right) said I don't care do it tomorrow then. What do you mean you don't care you better care cause I'm not gonna beg you to risk my life to do a job you can't even fathom to begin with, nor even care if it gets done. So there was suppose to be a meeting and we were suppose to talk about doing (or lack there of) the PM for the next day. Well the meeting was cancelled and we were left with nothing. I decided that if they unofficially pushed the date back till the end of the month then I don't have to worry about getting up to go tomorrow so I slept in. Well after I got up the tech on duty asked me why didn't I go to the PM this morning. I laughed and said it was rescheduled by the same person that asked you why I didn't go.

Well we had a meeting that night and we were dispatched the following morning after working my shift and only having 4 hours of sleep. Its a good thing I have this blog to release my frustrations, because without it I don't know how I would deal with some of the dumb, ignorant, moronic decisions as well as a few choice words that I will NOT use. If this were a start up company in the US we wouldn't have lasted 6 months before we were bankrupt and in court for any number of reasons. I will definitely take what I learn from here as what not to do, not what to do it I am to be a successful businessman. One thing is for sure if you can't depend on yourself surely don't rely on anyone else...

What a world


Thursday, May 19, 2005

Chicken Last Three Days

Well the title is self explainatory I have had chicken for dinner for the last three nights and tomorrow. Not that I am complaining or anything I love chicken, but I am sure the fried food is getting to me since I haven't been working out at all. Besides I'm not one that really ever ate healthy anyway, but I am beginning to see that I should. I just can force myself to eat things I don't like and haven't for so long. Well I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow, but as always I can't give any details, nor would I want to, so Ill just talk to ya tomorrow.

"Love ya"


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Country Music in Iraq

Well not much has really gone one here, we got some guys back from a job yesterday and not soon after one was told to go home. We will just call him the Rebel for now. He has been here from the beginning and has been very instrumental in the installation of most of the equipment here. Funny thing is we actually know some of the same people. He too use to work for Ericsson back before the demise of the telecomm world. My old manager, back when I use to work in Cali, use to live in the next town over from where the Rebel lives. They know each other from work as well and Reb knows a few others we both use to work with back in the States. Personally I think it is good to have a common interest with people especially in this work environment. It makes things a lot less tense when you can relate with the people in some way or another. None the less our numbers have gone down yet again and its possible that we will lose another, but only time will tell.

Well while Reb, Paw Paw and myself went to the PX yesterday which is roughly the size of a very small Walmart. While we were there we decided to go to the Haji-mart (small Walmart, but by local design). When we were in the common area, a open area with benches and tables, I saw a tall gentleman that was obviously someone of importance due to the fact he had what appeared to be 6 armed military escorts. They walked in a similar pattern when we had a 2 star general visited a while back. Well I asked Paw Paw and Reb if they knew who that was, because obviously he was important, and Reb answered he didn't know. Well a few seconds after that Paw Paw "said you know who that is right?" Reb said "I don't know who?" and Paw Paw answered "that's Toby Keith." Then it all came together, Toby Keith was here for a concert that he was to perform later that evening. As I walked by him he said hi and seemed to be an ok kinda guy. Definitely down to earth from what I could tell, but my observation of him was brief. Thus bringing to a close this post and the explanation of Country Music in Iraq.

"Love Ya"


Sunday, May 15, 2005

Day 114 in Iraq

Wow when I think of it like that it really seems like a long time. One third or a year in this country can make you appreciate the finer things in life that's for sure. It has a way of also showing you what can be worse than what you are use to. I will always remain certain that it was a blessing from GOD to be here. Although I will admit that I am starting to feel the strain of time. Most people look forward to the New Year and never want it to end and when it does they can't wait for the new one to begin. I'm not really looking forward toward anything in this year. I have no high hopes for something spectacular or amazing just the hope that my future will be secure whatever it may be.

What may be...

That's funny I said that, because just the other night I can remember dreaming about the song "Que sera, sera" and I found myself wondering why I had that dream. I brushed it off till this very moment when unconsciously I made that comment.

Anyway I often have dreams that I find interesting and for me I always think that there is a hidden meaning in all of it. Some times (like now for instance) I will remind myself of something, some times its just that a dream. Enough of me trying to find meaning to my R.E.M. state.

Had a very good visit from what I would consider that last good friend that I have here. There are a few that I deal with, but for the most part have nothing more in common with them than movies and computer problems (in which they wish me to fix). Which is fine with me since they happen to be the 2 things I can enjoy all the time. He brought up the fact that there doesn't seem to be a very good screening process in the selection of personnel. I will admit that the one thing that I have had in common with most of the people here is being unemployed. That isn't saying much considering that Telecomm in general took one of the biggest hits in the last couple of years. None the less you begin to wonder if there is a trend, and in my case I hope not. To think that I might have something in common with some of these people other than unfortunate lack of employment worries me. Not really cause other than that we have absolutely nothing else in common that I don't wich to have in common with them. Other than movies and computer problems. (ha ha)

We will just say I am one exception to the rule and leave it at that. (because these people are nuts)

Peace and Chicken grease (As Tiny use to say, man I miss that guy)



Saturday, May 14, 2005

Saturday the 14th

Well for most of you it is still Friday, but for me it is well into Saturday. I thought I had to go to the city to day, but I was mistaken. I don't think I will have to go for another week or so. I'm actually glad I don't have to go today, because there has been bombs going off all morning. Not that I fear going out, but I just the same stay here. I haven't heard attacks like this since I got here. Things calmed down a lot to the point there would be days without attacks (none that we could hear anyway). Today is not that day at all. It's like being here for the first time all over again. Nothing is close, but it just worries me what this may be leading up to. The insurgent attacks have gotten crazy lately with their aim not toward military or police, but the Iraqi public. They don't care who they kill to stir up the pot that they have, but in the end I think it will be their downfall. It was one thing when the insurgents and the Iraqis didn't care for us being here, but now with their attacks shifting more toward the populous, the local focus is no longer on the U.S.

I read yesterday online that a military advisor stated that the removal of an insurgency can take anywhere from 2-3 years minimum and on up to 9 years. I think it was a bunch of bull just to say hey we will have a presence in Iraq for a long time rather than just coming out and saying just that's the plan anyway. Well I don't plan on being apart of that rebuild effort so count me out of the 2-3 year bit. Hell you'll be lucky to keep me here after my next break they way things are going. It will cut short my plans, but things have gotten really unstable. I don't mean the city that is the same turbulent one day calm the next, no what I mean is this working environment is being less and less healthy. I wouldn't mind it as much if there were people in charge than I thought cared about the well being of the crew. Well I'm going to try and get some rest I change my shift here soon to mid's. So I want to get acclimated to the hours of sleep. Talk to ya later, Love and Peace.



Thursday, May 12, 2005

Sorry for the delay

I apologize for being a little out of touch with the blog, I actually have been a little busy here lately. In the past 5 days I have been out to the city 3 times. In each instance the people at the location were very warm and inviting. I see a lot of good people and wonder why it is they had to go thru so much to have so little. Everywhere we go they offer us tea and try to be as helpful as possible, and in some cases are a little bothersome. The first site we went to Tuesday had a family living there and there were 5 or 6 kids all trying to talk to me at one time. Their english wasn't that good so I had a hard time trying to make out what they were saying. Other than that they were a very loving bunch and smiled all the time. They even brought out their sisters 1 day old to show us and she was a very pretty baby.

I will never be able to understand what they went through and wish not too, cause even today with all that we are doing the affects still linger. One thing is for certain they are adapting to their new style of living at an amazing rate. Any and everything they can do to make money they will try to do, from selling sodas in the street to beef, cucumber and tomato pita like sandwich, which by the way was very good and I did eat it cucumbers and all. This country has the makings of something beautiful, but just have been under a boot heel for so long they (IMHO) have no desire for something better. (IMHO) They have become so use to things being the way that they are that they are fine with it. One thing is for certain now that Saddam is out of the picture they rely on us to make right all the wrong that has been done to them and quick, fast and in a hurry.

I have to go out again soon, but don't worry we have a great security team and all will be well. I will try a little harder to post on time and more often. I am sorry if anyone was worried, but you can always call Mrs. Dubs and find out how I am doing.... lol


Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mother's Day

I would like to take this time to say happy Mother's Day.

First off thanks go to the greatest mom on the face of the planet (or better yet the Universe) and that's my MOM. Without her I wouldn't be half the man I am and with her I am even better. To my mother-n-law, because without her there would be a Mrs. Dubs, but not only that she is a great example of a good woman. To my great and loving grandmothers that I have gained so much from. A lot of my attitude good and other (other being not necessarily good, but not bad either) comes from those mothers of grand design. Next would be my aunts that because of their mothers of grand design can't help, but to be motherly as well :)

Lastly, but of no less importance to my sisters which have done well in bringing up such character driven individuals, and there not even in highschool yet. My friends, loved ones, Godmothers and any others that I my have forgotten here's to you on a job well done.

"Love ya"


First Time Out of the Pond

Well its is now 7am on the 8th and I am posting about what has happened on yesterday. Well I went in at midnight and as was well for only having a few hours of sleep and then morning came and one of our techs was going out to a site that has been down for a 2 days now. Well I was suppose to go out in the field today, but internal conflict has pushed that back but before I knew that I thought it would be better for me to get my feet wet the day before rather than be thrusted into the field just like that. Besides I would be going with a tech to do the work not going by myself.

First there was the briefing in which the our security leader explained the travel route for the job ahead. He began explaining the exits and entrances to our location and the passenger seating arrangement. The he went into explaining the actions taken if one of our vehicles are disabled. First we would try to fix it if possible and if that wasn't possible then we would commandeer a vehicle from a LN (local national). Which believe it or not is within the guidelines of what we can and can not do. If it gets to a point that we can not get out we have the right to take a car from someone driving by to escape. The interesting thing about this is the Iraqi who just lost there automobile can report to there point of contact (I believe its the minister of transportation) and then receive that car back fixed for free, or get a brand new car on our dime (ours being the US tax payers).

I was a little bit nervous at first and didn't know what to expect. The site I went to was Dawodi which only happens to be 4 miles away from where we are, but it is worlds apart when you leave past ECP1 (exit control points) or Check Point 1 is what you may here on the news. That is the Gate from airport to the other side heading to Baghdad. I will admit I was somewhat in amazement not because I like the risk or wish for imminent life threatening situations, but because all of the Iraqi people were carrying on like there wasn't anything to worry about. There were women driving their kids to school (or what it looked like anyway) people driving to work, carpooling, driving alone you name it. I was in complete disbelief that I was in the same universe that they were in. Here I am in my vest along with everyone in the car with 8 armed security personnel with fully automatic weapons ready to take on anything that came their way. All the while here were other people that lived in this situation everyday with no protection for them other that their belief in their savior.

After a very quick drive up the highway, which looked like any other normal highway, we quickly exited onto a side street where the sidewalks were poorly maintained and there was trash all over the place. Rock and debris cover parts of the street making them hazards to go around. Not many people covered the streets which made it very eerie to drive down just to think what could happen. My eyes were wide open and I looked in every direction for something or someone suspicious. When we got there we had to wait for them to open the gate which only intensified my anxiety (if that is the right word to use). Once inside our security detail spread out and covered the area and there were at least 2 guys within 10 feet of us at all times. We were surrounded by a ten foot wall which made me feel a little bit more secure.

Once we got started I soon learned what I already knew, when it comes to something that involves a computer I can do it. We sat there for longer than I would have wished, but it was because of my instructor that we did. I personally would have left an hour or 2 before we actually did, but that's just me. As much as I have gone thru trouble shooting with computers, Xboxes and everything else electronic I know when to say when. You can only beat your head on the wall so many times before you knock yourself out.

I can't even imagine what it would be like to live under a gun for most of my life. And the worst part about it is to think that there was someone in a car ready to kill someone all for what they believe in and to die trying, or kill themselves to obtain that goal. And again all the while normal everyday people go to work, school, or whatever they do knowing full well that they may be at the receiving end of an insurgent attack. Casualties of war is what they call it. Pardon me for saying so, but there just isn't any other way to describe it other than it's a damn shame. None the less I made it there and back and as much as my fam does not want me to leave the safety of my cave (nor do I) I will be leaving again to do more work outside the BIAP. Have faith in the MAN above and stay prayerful.

Love Always,


Saturday, May 07, 2005

Still Safe, but Still here

I was suppose to go to the Green Zone on yesterday, but we had some other jobs going on so they pushed the PM back to Sunday. I am told that I will work my shift (12-6 minus 2 hours) and then do 2 PM's that will take 2-3 hours to do a piece. Talk about a full days work man I will be exhausted by the end of the day. Got to do what you got to do thankfully I will have learned more in that short time than I have since I've been here. The funny thing is I have been getting emails and calls in regards to jobs back in the States. Unfortunately for them I won't be able to grace them with my presence (just kidding).

No but seriously when I leave here I hope to spend every (almost every) waking moment with my wife. As much as she gets on my nerves and as much as I can't stand some things she does I couldn't even imagine what life would be without her. To coin a phrase "If loving her is wrong, then I don't wanna be right". Actually that would be song lyrics, but you get the idea. So my main goal has been to provide a stable future with what I make here so that I won't run into the same problems E and I have had in the not so far past.

here's to the Future

And what ever it may bring.


Friday, May 06, 2005

Under new Management...?!?!

As many of you already know MCI is looking to get bought out by another company. The last thing I heard was Verizon was going to take them over. Which is something I welcome, because that would possibly mean different management that would know what GSM means (Global Systems for Mobile communications) and also know what the CC on an email means (inside joke). I have never liked working for someone that doesn't have the slightest clue what you do. How can you manage a person approipately if you can't even comprahend what it is they do. A lot of people would disagree with me, but that is just how I feel and I don't mean they have to know my job in and out, but can they at least understand when we say there is nothing we can do from here (uh duh we have to go to the site).

So when I was back in Dallas they were rumors going on about this by out when I went up to the office and one guy said they were going to offer 3 weeks for every year of service (basically trimming the fat Again). I wonder if Thte Big V even knows whats going on over here? This is the one thing that is making money for this company not to mention a long term goverment project that will go on for years to come. Trust me I won't be here to see the end of it. They told us the other day that all the contractors with the exception of us switch guys are going over to the new camp, and that this location would be where the LN's would stay and receive training. If you haven't read my earlier post about my good old dearly departed friend Jack then you won't understand why I have a problem with that. I can only hope it will work itself out in the end...

Speaking of the end.....



Thursday, May 05, 2005

Cinco De Mayo...

Not too much has been going on here we had a pretty good wake up call today with a mortar attack at the airport. The point of impact sounded close, but it wasn't. It was however close enough to cause a lack of power for a few seconds. When it sounds like an attack is close we are suppose to go into the common area which just so happens to be a building with 18inch thick walls. Well after the first hit which sounded very close, I started to go the breakroom (common area) when Ray L. (the project manager) said don't come out (who himself happened to be out). I then said "shouldn't we go to the break room, because these CON-Xs aren' going to be much protection if we happened to get shelled". So he had a kind of "oh ya your right" look on his face and we proceeded.

On the way there all the people in the yard were looking for the point of impact and taking pictures. I like explosions just as much as the next guy, but generally speaking I prefer them in my movies, not in my real life. A mortar doesn't have to land on you in order to do its damage. One could land 100 feet away and the resulting concussion or shrapnel could be your demise. This attack, all though wasn't that close, has been the closest attack to us by far. We can almost always here the carbombs and rocket attacks and every once in a while can hear small arms fire (gun battles). However it has never had any effect on us directly considering the attacks, generally speaking, are miles away from us.

So while you go out and have a few drinks for happy hour, or just sit back and enjoy a movie at home, just remember those that don't have those simple luxuries (namely I mean our troops not myself) and ask yourself what can I do for them. One thing is for sure being over here will give you a definite appreciation for home and what we have been blessed with. Whether or not you support Bush, or even believe in war is really irrelevant. Our troops are here because they are told to not because they want to and we should support them every way we can as much as we can. Sorry to go off on a tangent...


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Trim the Fat.... Lose the Dead Weight

At the start of my shift Ray (the guy that got me the job) said that they are going to trim the fat. Basically meaning they are going to continue to lay off people until we are back to a skeleton crew. He mentioned that since I don't do too much more than what I was brought here to do that I would be first on the list of the four switch guys. He also mentioned that this was months away from happening, but in all honesty he would rather keep me than the other 2 guys, because of my switch knowledge (which again was why I was brought here) but I still need to learn the other equipment.
I have no problem with learning new equipment even though I was hired for something specific. The issue with this is most of the time that I would need to work on this other equipment it would be outside the protected area of BIAP. This also isn't a problem for me, but the way this place is being ran is. I truly feel that the management here are about the most unsafe group of individuals this side of the planet. Which just goes back to my belief that you put your employees first the outcome will be well worth it.

Anyway I will be going out to do a PM (preventative maintenance) on either Friday or Saturday. It is a part of the on going endeavor to cross train everyone to do everyone's job so that they can maximize our work output (work us like slaves basically). I am also beginning to wonder if we are really getting all the work done we could in a weeks time and if so how much would it really hinder to have 1 day off during the week. I think that our work effort would be a little better with a little time off now and again. I could be mistaken, but we will never know will we....

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Another Day in Paradise

Well not much has happened today, and I guess we can always be thankful for that. I'm not sure if it's just me, but I don't care to listen/watch the news in regards to here, because I feel its such a downer. I think the worse thing a person can do being over here is to have the knowledge of all things happening over the land. The news has become such a harbinger of bad things that its better not to watch it and say you did. At least with the internet news they have stories that one may find interesting that has nothing to do with war or destruction.

My whole point of saying that was there was a guy here that's been here all of a week that mentioned an attack that killed several people yesterday so I stopped him where he started and mentioned how unhealthy it is to think about such things. I don't do it to make my self oblivious to what is going on it just isn't something one should dwell on and if you are constantly watching the news then you will do just that. This also applies to you there back home. Get your news from me I guarantee you it will be much more uplifting and you still get the same affect. ALIVE FROM BAGHDAD ITS ME... Get it Alive from Baghdad, ya well gotta lighten up the air every once in a while.

Have a good day family (friends are my family too)
