Monday, March 14, 2005

What Is The Right Thing To Do

Was talking with a co-worker yesterday about the types of people we have here. Somehow we got on the topic of Saddam's sons and how they died during the war. Now I personally didn't know how they were killed, but the guy I was talking to seemed to know a little bit about it. Well the discussion got to Saddam's grandson who was like twelve if I'm not mistaken. Well at the time they were attacking the palace where the sons were and after it was said and done the 12 year old grandson was shooting at the troops. From the discussion he said they were just going to wait him out and take him hostage, but when it became apparent that he was going to give up any time soon and that he had enough ammo to wait it out longer than the military would be willing to do they had no choice but to shoot him. The thought came to me would I be able to shoot a child to save my own life and if so how would this affect me. I couldn't dream of killing someone no matter how mad I have been in my life. Well the guy I was talking to said that because of his military training he could do it without hesitation. I told him that if I had to I believe I could to, but I hope and pray that I never have to make that decision.

Another thing came to mind in kinda related to this situation. I am sure you have heard of the recent bombing that was done with a garbage truck. Well our garbage collectors and anyone that isn't a DOD (Department Of defense) contractor has to be escorted in our complex. How safe would you really feel knowing that your garbage man could be a possible insurgent just waiting for his chance. I think to myself about never having to worry about the garbage man and can't wait till I am home so I don't have to look over my shoulder at everyone near and far. The smallest things in this world mean the most. Granted not everyone in the US is a sane individual and some times caution is warranted, but you can't imagine the unease I get some times. I reach for my hip wishing I had my weapon, but there isn't one then I look around for the best exits and the best place for cover. This isn't how I feel all the time and I am in the safest place possible, but one thing is for sure here you are only as safe as you feel. From the immortal word of Tiny: "It's better to have and not need than to need and not have".

Coming home will be a strange transition.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey cuzin. soinds like its pretty scary over there but its cool to know that ull be here with us soon. We all love and miss ya bunches and cant wait for u to be safe and sound home with us.
<3 ya ~Bri