Tuesday, March 08, 2005

My First Midnight Shift

Since the elections things have been a little bit quieter than usual, but not completely silent. See when there is no sound is when you begin to worry and wonder when is it gonna happen. I can remember the first few nights I worked 3rd shift here after only being here for about 2 weeks. See it was right around the beginning of the year and I still wasn't use to being in all honesty. Having to wear a vest to the chow halls, then vest and helmets and back to vest again. See unless you have worn a helmet before it can be a bit weird at first. The only way I can describe it is like being so tired you can barely hold your head up and that's what its like wearing a helmet. Anyway so here I am working at 12 midnight by myself in the middle of a warzone. Now at first I use to leave the door open so I could see what was going on, not that I could see much even then, but it made me feel a little better. But after hearing a few rockets and mortars I quickly shut the door. Now Iraq has to be the darkest place I have ever been in this world. The bases don't use lights for fear of giving the insurgents something to aim for this is true with all the places here as well. So working at night for the first time hearing every little sound there is, but devoid of your normal cricket chirps or whatever you may be use to. It didn't help my peace of mind that we had the cameras in the switch room staring into the dark unknown. Suffice to say I closed the door and locked it for the first 3 nights I was on 3rd shift.

With everything they tell you before you get over here there is a deep fear that can only be matched by the best of horror films. You feel so venerable that you want to sleep with your vest on, but it just doest go well with the covers and helmet lol. You begin to wonder when and if something is going to land right on top of you, and I can't really remember when, but you stop worrying about it. I began to realize that I was safer than my mind lead me to believe and they want you to have a since of fear when you first get here so you don't forget where you are and thing your in the Bahamas or something. I have to admit the way they get you ready for Iraq is very interesting and it definitely worked in my case. I feel safe most of the time, but I am forever aware that there is a war being fought just a few feet away.

A lot of people believe that its a religious war, some believe we are fighting for better prices, but basically we are fighting for the sake of it now, because we don't have a choice. When or lose the US has there hands full and if we decided to pull out now the whole world would look down on us for leaving Iraq in such a chaotic state. Better for us to stick it out and make better whatever we can. The funny thing is I have always thought about the future and what it has in store for me, but as of late I cant see past the next week. I mean I have an idea what I want to do, but what exactly I will be doing when I leave here is another story all together....

Peace and Love peeps


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