Tuesday, March 15, 2005

84 Days in Iraq

I have been in Iraq for 84 days as of today and will be home in 8. I have become a more rounded individual after being here and have learned to appreciate things from a more humble position than I had gotten use to. Man to think that when I started this journey I didn't have the slightest idea what was in store for the most part. I had done some research and calculated the numbers and estimated and calculated, but when it was all said and done logic and reason are thrown out the door. Because when your sitting in your room and your feel the concussion of a near by explosion reality sets in and the numbers don't matter any more.

I am thankful for a great many things, but none more than my family. I had said to my Aunt Ka Ka, that even though I am as far away as we have ever been that we seem to be closer than ever before. In some ways that's true just by the manor of our conversations. The first quarter of 2005 has proven to be a very interesting one to say the least. But the beginning of the second is the one I am looking forward to now. The time where I come home and sleep next to my wife (instead of the dog J/K), visit my family, attend a wedding and hopefully enjoy a good vacation somewhere sunny and warm with a nice oceanview.

Here's to Ocean Views...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It is nice to see the days dwindle down to 8. I hope you will soon be relaxing on a beach somewhere also. It has been nice being able to have a steady flow of communication. It's the first time in your life we have ever been able to keep you still in one place for any length of time (lol), although it is in the least desirable place.

I've been away for a few days for 3 days of bible instruction. The theme was " Be Guided by 'the Wisdom From Above'."

The scripture reference is James 3:17, "But the wisdom from above is first of all chaste, then peaceable, reasonable, ready to obey, full of mercy and good fruits, not making partial distinctions not hypocritical."

We discussed what each aspect meant, ie. chaste, reasonable, ready to obey, etc. We also discussed how Godly wisdom is contrasted with worldly wisdom as James mentions at James 3:14,15: "But if you have bitter jealosy and contentiousness in you hearts, do not be bragging and lying against the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but it is earthly, animalistic, demonic.

I will tell you more later. Have a great day!

Love you,

Aunt ka