Sunday, March 06, 2005

No Rest For The Weary....

When I was first told that I would be working 7 days a week for three months straight with not a single day off I thought I would go mad. To my surprise I became accustomed to the daily grind on a weekly basis and haven't had much of a struggle coming to work. Now mind you work is slow and my job is the easiest I have had in my life, but sitting in a office day after day for 8-10 hours each day can pick at you. I am thankful that it isn't the case with me. Don't get me wrong I would love a day where I would have absolutely nothing to do, but whatever it is I wish. None the less I have gotten use to working everyday and truly can appreciate a regular 9-5 or better still 7-3.

We have a lot more people than a month ago and I some times like to just watch them and see their responses. I'm not sure why people feel they have to act tough I'm a situation like the one we are in, but I see a lot of ego and attitude from some of the new people. I have no qualms about showing or even telling someone I am truly scared at times being here. And I consider myself a trooper one that can do just about anything if given the opportunity. I see people brag about this or suggest that their spouse really can't deal with them being here. I find that women are very strong creatures maybe even stronger than men. At any rate I think it's just their way of dealing with where we are and what is happening around us. Because I will be honest with you I have come to the realization that there isn't a single soul here tougher than that guy with a bomb strapped to his chest looking for a big target so he can go out in a blaze of glory.

Our Security detail has been getting more backup with a wide range of people from all around the world. British special forces guys, US special ops, French Foreign Legion, SWAT, you name it they have done it or seen it and live to tell the tale. I could have a blog that just specifically talked about their exploits and enough to talk about for years to come. They try to keep their distance so that it won't affect them as much if something happens. Nothing worse than having to watch a friend die while you were trying to protect them. I try to respect their wish or desire and not socialize too much with them, but I am truly fascinated by these people. I have befriended a few of them, but yet I still try to keep my distance and not bother them or invade their space. Which is probably the most important thing to people here "privacy". And that is a hard thing to come buy when you share a room or live right next to a guy literally just a foot or 2 away from where you lay your head. None the less we manage and I think me personally I will become a stronger person because of it. Rant over for now catch you on the flip side.

KP Out

One Love One Life
One Dream One Challenge
Eyes Closed
NEVER Succeed
One Eye Open
NO chance for Failure

GOD Bless

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