Monday, March 21, 2005

90 Days In IRAQ

Well that time has come and gone and it has been officially 90 days, but here is a little something you didn't know. Although I have been in Iraq for 90 days and will be for one more, I have been away from home since the 17th of December. Which is beyond the 90 Days Away From home mark. This will be the last work day for me till I catch my flight on tomorrow. Short hop here, quick stay here, here a hop there a hop and Dallas a little bit before the days end. Yes to answer anyone question I AM EXCITED......!!!!!

Well to help pass the time, so it doesn't slow down on me, and to prepare me for a grueling workout once I get home I went to the courts today at the base. I had a pretty good run all things considered (out of shape and broken down). Won 2 games lost 2, but not in that order and for just a moment I was home again on the courts, playin with some of my boys it was a very tranquil moment and I was very, very relaxed (still conscious to my surroundings), but then BOOM... Well there goes my tranquil moment, and I don't know if I just wasn't listening before, but I don't think there were any explosions till that point.

On another topic the Iraqi Dinar is on its way up. I think you should check out this link: Iraqi Dinar and seriously think about investing. The Iraqi Dinar has gone up 25% since the new bills came out in October of 2003. All the details are on the website, but if there was ever a good investment that would be the one. Well not really to much else going on it has been pretty quiet here lately and I'll be home before you know it.

To the one that travels the world in search of
The journey of a lifetime and the experience
That nothing else can bring you
To see it for yourself in all it's glory
Be free and let ambition take over
Take a chance and let the wind carry you
You will be pleased this I guarantee...




Anonymous said...


Our son is coming home. We are soooooo happy!!!! Have a safe and restful trip, as best you can. I look forward to speaking to you soon, in maybe one country after another, or in at least the whole other country of Texas.

Luv ya,

Aunt Ka

Anonymous said...

hey kenley. im really glad ur comin here soon. today me n gma went to a sporting good store n she got mad at me cuz i spend too much of her money...maybe u can talk some sense into her and tell her thats just the way it is lol.
o yah thanks for tellin me what ur gettin aunt sheri... i love teasin her cuz she wants to kno so bad lol. well i guess ill cya soon. love ya, hopr u have a safe trip home. <3Bri