Friday, March 18, 2005

We Have Really Big Rats...

Waring label Posted by Hello

Don't worry the sign is mostly for insurgents, stray dogs, dingos and lawyers. Besides this is just their way of saying stay out. Harsh I'll admit, but they get the point... Oh Ya and Really Big Rats...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Just wanted to post before I go home. It has been a very trying week here and it doesn't look like the work situation is going to get any better. Soooo, it's time to try to make that move, with Jehovah's help--Psalm 121:2. What a beautiful Psalm that is.

Psalms 121: 1-8
"I shall raise my eyes to the mountains. From where will my help come?
My help is from Jehovah, The Maker of heaven and earth.
He cannot possibly allow your foot to totter. The One guarding you cannot possibly be drowsy.
Look! He will not be drowsy nor go to sleep. He that is guarding Israel.
Jehovah is guarding you. Jehovah is your shade on you right hand.
By day the sun itself will not strike you, Nor the moon by night.
Jehovah himself will guard you against all calamity. He will guard your soul.
Jehovah himself will guard your going out and your coming in. From now on and to time indefinite."

I hope reading that gives you some peace as well.

When we think of all the God has done and will do for us, we can be moved to show appreciation. I mention this because this Thursday, March 24, will be the memorial of the greatest gift given to mankind. It is the gift God gave by allowing his son, Jesus, to give his life on the behalf of the whole world. John 3:16.

And so, millions around the world will show their gratitude for this gift that leads to everlasting life by attending the special Memorial service after sundown at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses.

If you are in Texas by then I hope that you and Erica can do the same.

There will be a full moon on that night. Look in the sky for it.
The night was Nisan 14, 33 C.E.,in ancient Israel, when Jesus celebrated the "Last Supper" which was passover night. That corresponds withNisan 14, 1513 B.C.E., the first passover, when the lamb was sacrificed and its blood poured on the door post so that the angel would passover those homes and spare the first born. Then, the nation of Israel left Egypt with a vast mixed company of foreigners who had also put faith in their God, Jehovah (Psalm 82:18). And then they crossed the Red Sea, with a wall of water standing on each side and Pharaoh's army in pursuit. Just a little history lesson.

Luv ya