Saturday, March 12, 2005

Let There Be Light

Well for the first time in three days the sun is out finally. It has been a very cold, wet, and gloomy place here. Well its still wet and cold, but at least the sun is out and there isn't any visible sign of rain coming any time soon. I can hear the birds chirping outside as the sun begins to rise for the day. I didn't think my life would change so much just by me coming here for such a short time, but it has. Some for the good, some for the not so good. I can't even fathom what the next few months is going to be like for once the future is so apparent. I have to admit a level of uncertainty not know what's in store for me, but I also have a level of excitement. GOD has watched over me and for that I am forever grateful. I can only wonder what his "DIVINE PLAN" for me is, but I think I am up for the task.

At least I hope so



Anonymous said...

Glad you have light.A little sun makes everyone feel better.Love you.see you soon.

K-Dub said...

Ya I like rainy weather too, but not three days worth with no sign of the sun. And its only really good when you gan relax and enjoy it from inside.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ken,
I dropped you an e-mail seems like blog would not allow me to post a comment. So let me know if you got it so I won't have type it all over again. Stay Alert.
Love ya

K-Dub said...

A few people have be saying that and I myself have been having some problems with the site. Well it seems to be working at the momment any way.