Friday, March 04, 2005

Animals Are Among Us

You know how many people can actually say to themselves I know what kind of wildlife is going to be in Iraq. See although you see SOME images of what Iraq looks like in all honestly you have no REAL depiction of what Iraq is really like. Take for instance who would have ever thought that there would be foxes or dingos running around Baghdad Airport. Or that the nations aviator would be a common fly (j/k but boy do I hate them flies). Not to mention who would imagine that the temperature would drop to near freezing, and in some places in Iraq it even snowed. Funny side note as some of you know, but most don't, Suddam named everything after himself and while I was searching for my flight back home I would try to fly directly from Baghdad, which on some websites is still called Suddam International Airport. Anyway back to my discussion on top of all the wildlife you would think to be here, there was a bat flying around in our complex this evening. And by the looks of how he was flying he was getting his feast on (echolocation he he). I have always been enjoyed wildlife (insert joke here Mrs. Dub). An have often dreamed of owning certain wild animals I mean come on who wouldn't want a 500lbs tiger to play with. I can't wait till this summer where the temperatures get up to a brisk 150 degrees (in the shade). 40 lbs is the average weight loss from what I am told. Can't imagine what I would look like minus 40 lbs man that nasty...

Well lately it has been quiet or quite as some would say (inside joke). Last night I was going to go to the chow hall after my shift, but our boss that's here from the States said he really wish I wouldn't go, because there was a lot of activity going on. For instance we heard a fight jet covering our area for most of the late night and Bossman said he heard Bradleys (tanks) all night on the highway. So after that he continued to talk my ear off till 1:30am and by that time it was too late to go to mid-night chow. Well I didn't hear much after other than the wind that is. It was very windy last night with a slight chill. It's funny when I was overlooking the Bay of Kuwait you never would have thought while looking at something so beautiful that there is a war going on just an hour away. I am really curious what my reactions are going to be like when I get home. Not hearing explosions in the distance or the sounds of gunfire off in the distance. I sure hope I don't lose any sleep over it... There is an interesting thought loosing sleep over NOT hearing guns and bombs. What is this world coming to...

KP Out


Anonymous said...

Wow dingos at airport.That would be a riot.You will sleep good and miss nothing.

Anonymous said...

Bats are harmless as long a you leave them alone.Had one in our house years ago.We opened the door and it flew out.Just a bit ugly.I enjoyed this blog.Keep up the good work.See you soon.