Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Amsterdam Pt 2

Well I have safely made it out of the Middle east and now am in the ever so rude Europe (another post for another time). Man I haven't been as nervous or scared since I have been here like I was leaving from Baghdad. The airport is really run down and not well taken care of which gives me a lot of concern for the upkeep of their planes as well. But in all honesty that really wasn't my biggest concern or fear.

If you can remember I spoke briefly on our travel from Kuwait to Baghdad Via the military C-130. Well there is a lot of fear of enemy fire on planes leaving and coming to Baghdad so there are certain ways the planes must take off and land. Well this was a power take off with a spiral climb. Most that have traveled have been in a power take off, but I don't think anyone has been in a spiral climb. Basically the pilot begins to turn the craft immediately after take off and begins to climb at top speed in a spiral motion. This makes it hard for the plane to be a target since it isn't going in a straight line. So one wing is pointing straight up in the air and the other straight down toward the ground. Not my preferred way for them to take off, but it is a necessity that I will live with. Once they have reached a safe altitude then they straighten out and cut back on the engines and hit cruise mode. It was a very tense moment and it wasn't until I got to Jordan that I really felt safe. Even then I wasn't as comfortable as I would have liked to be, but that's just the reality of where I have been sticking with me and I am glad it keeps me on my toes.

Once in Amman I found it to be absolutely beautiful and was very glad to be there. The best way I can describe it was like going to an area with lots ruins thousand of years old and then someone just decided to add the ease of western civilization. Not only that but it was a very lush green area on top of a dessert plain. Absolutely mind boggling and very beautiful. I took quite a few pictures and once I am home I will post them. I have to say to myself all the time I am one blessed individual to be able to travel the world on the company dime. Those that can remember I have always wanted to travel every since I was young (I mean like as in single digit young :). Once I was employed with Ericsson it was like a dream come true, explore the world, but get paid to do it. Once I got married that dream never faded, but was less important, because I found what I needed in Texas. The beauty of it is though my darling wife likes to travel too, so it wasn't as if I had to change my plans of world exploration I just have to convince her of WHY we should go Africa other than the fact they have big cats that I like. Anyway went through the struggle of unemployment and was once again blessed with a job supplying me the chance to venture into the world at no cost to myself. And since that time I have been to 4 different countries, six different cities and 3 different cultural backgrounds all at no cost to me. Well if that isn't a blessing then I don't know what is. I thank GOD everyday for his continuing protection over me and the chance to fulfill my dreams just as I had wished for. I always knew I would travel the world I just wasn't EVER sure how I was going to, nor where I was going to go. All I wanted to do was explore the world and the MAN up stairs said ok here you go here is you itinerary have a safe trip. Here is to dreams whatever they maybe and to the one and only that can make them happen...

Momma fear not be proud
Pray for my safety and smile
I am blessed to do what I have wished for
To go around the world and explore
The wonders that HE has provided
A dream has become reality
For that I will always say aloud
It is the almighty that has made me what I am
giving me the talent, time and experience
Not to mention a great many examples to learn from
Aunts and Uncles, Parents and Grandparents
All a direct result of who I am today
A man on a journey fulfilling his destiny
One day at a time, one plane at a time
Be careful what you ask for
I am living proof it will be given
Thank GOD for that and so much more......


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog.Thats what i like,a lot to read.You can travel the world and i will see it through your eyes.Iwill stay home and read your blogs.Love you, see you soon.