Friday, March 25, 2005

Home Again... Yee Haw...

Well its almost 5 in the morning on the 25th and I am very excited to be back. I was a little restless at first adjusting to my surroundings and felt very out of place, but I have gotten use to it now. The funny thing is I have already begun to appreciate everything that I didn't before. While we were driving to breakfast the other day I found myself staring into space many times just looking at the trees and grass you know little stupid stuff. I didn't sleep well the night before, but I am well rested now and set to go, wait a minute its 5 am oh ya, uh let me go back to bed and Ill get cheery again in a few hours.

Mrs. Dubs has done a lot to make my homecoming very comfortable and I thank her for it dearly. I can't say I express my gratitude to her as well as I would like, but what can I say we're married :). E and I went to dinner with our best friends last night and their 2 daughters (my nieces) and with the exception of the noisy people (Was at Cheddars on 635) I had a good time. The one thing that let me know is I haven't fully adjusted yet, but I am sure that will pass soon enough. So we came back home and chatted for a bit and I showed them some things I brought back from Baghdad. After that I laid down and crashed hard. I look forward to everyday here and am very thankful to be back safe and sound. I will admit I do find myself still not being very trusting of my surroundings and that worries me a bit. I keep looking for garbage trucks (small joke).

I think its just like when I first got to Baghdad it just doesn't seem real. That feeling faded soon enough and hopefully it will here too. Well I am going to try and lay down for a bit more since E is still in La La land. Lots to do so little time I WILL make the most of it. BTW C-land your XBoX looks great Mrs. Dubs helped me pick out a good color, so you owe her big time....

Love ya



Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Amsterdam Pt 2

Well I have safely made it out of the Middle east and now am in the ever so rude Europe (another post for another time). Man I haven't been as nervous or scared since I have been here like I was leaving from Baghdad. The airport is really run down and not well taken care of which gives me a lot of concern for the upkeep of their planes as well. But in all honesty that really wasn't my biggest concern or fear.

If you can remember I spoke briefly on our travel from Kuwait to Baghdad Via the military C-130. Well there is a lot of fear of enemy fire on planes leaving and coming to Baghdad so there are certain ways the planes must take off and land. Well this was a power take off with a spiral climb. Most that have traveled have been in a power take off, but I don't think anyone has been in a spiral climb. Basically the pilot begins to turn the craft immediately after take off and begins to climb at top speed in a spiral motion. This makes it hard for the plane to be a target since it isn't going in a straight line. So one wing is pointing straight up in the air and the other straight down toward the ground. Not my preferred way for them to take off, but it is a necessity that I will live with. Once they have reached a safe altitude then they straighten out and cut back on the engines and hit cruise mode. It was a very tense moment and it wasn't until I got to Jordan that I really felt safe. Even then I wasn't as comfortable as I would have liked to be, but that's just the reality of where I have been sticking with me and I am glad it keeps me on my toes.

Once in Amman I found it to be absolutely beautiful and was very glad to be there. The best way I can describe it was like going to an area with lots ruins thousand of years old and then someone just decided to add the ease of western civilization. Not only that but it was a very lush green area on top of a dessert plain. Absolutely mind boggling and very beautiful. I took quite a few pictures and once I am home I will post them. I have to say to myself all the time I am one blessed individual to be able to travel the world on the company dime. Those that can remember I have always wanted to travel every since I was young (I mean like as in single digit young :). Once I was employed with Ericsson it was like a dream come true, explore the world, but get paid to do it. Once I got married that dream never faded, but was less important, because I found what I needed in Texas. The beauty of it is though my darling wife likes to travel too, so it wasn't as if I had to change my plans of world exploration I just have to convince her of WHY we should go Africa other than the fact they have big cats that I like. Anyway went through the struggle of unemployment and was once again blessed with a job supplying me the chance to venture into the world at no cost to myself. And since that time I have been to 4 different countries, six different cities and 3 different cultural backgrounds all at no cost to me. Well if that isn't a blessing then I don't know what is. I thank GOD everyday for his continuing protection over me and the chance to fulfill my dreams just as I had wished for. I always knew I would travel the world I just wasn't EVER sure how I was going to, nor where I was going to go. All I wanted to do was explore the world and the MAN up stairs said ok here you go here is you itinerary have a safe trip. Here is to dreams whatever they maybe and to the one and only that can make them happen...

Momma fear not be proud
Pray for my safety and smile
I am blessed to do what I have wished for
To go around the world and explore
The wonders that HE has provided
A dream has become reality
For that I will always say aloud
It is the almighty that has made me what I am
giving me the talent, time and experience
Not to mention a great many examples to learn from
Aunts and Uncles, Parents and Grandparents
All a direct result of who I am today
A man on a journey fulfilling his destiny
One day at a time, one plane at a time
Be careful what you ask for
I am living proof it will be given
Thank GOD for that and so much more......


Monday, March 21, 2005

90 Days In IRAQ

Well that time has come and gone and it has been officially 90 days, but here is a little something you didn't know. Although I have been in Iraq for 90 days and will be for one more, I have been away from home since the 17th of December. Which is beyond the 90 Days Away From home mark. This will be the last work day for me till I catch my flight on tomorrow. Short hop here, quick stay here, here a hop there a hop and Dallas a little bit before the days end. Yes to answer anyone question I AM EXCITED......!!!!!

Well to help pass the time, so it doesn't slow down on me, and to prepare me for a grueling workout once I get home I went to the courts today at the base. I had a pretty good run all things considered (out of shape and broken down). Won 2 games lost 2, but not in that order and for just a moment I was home again on the courts, playin with some of my boys it was a very tranquil moment and I was very, very relaxed (still conscious to my surroundings), but then BOOM... Well there goes my tranquil moment, and I don't know if I just wasn't listening before, but I don't think there were any explosions till that point.

On another topic the Iraqi Dinar is on its way up. I think you should check out this link: Iraqi Dinar and seriously think about investing. The Iraqi Dinar has gone up 25% since the new bills came out in October of 2003. All the details are on the website, but if there was ever a good investment that would be the one. Well not really to much else going on it has been pretty quiet here lately and I'll be home before you know it.

To the one that travels the world in search of
The journey of a lifetime and the experience
That nothing else can bring you
To see it for yourself in all it's glory
Be free and let ambition take over
Take a chance and let the wind carry you
You will be pleased this I guarantee...



Saturday, March 19, 2005

Uh what's The Title Again....?

You know I actually have grown very fond of the title of my blog, but it pretty much will have no meaning after Monday (90 Days In Iraq). So I have been trying to think of a new name for my second tour over here and can't really think of a good one that is as catchy as the one I have. I know, I know I could be worrying about something else other than the name of my blog, but it's just one of those things that can throw me off and it's like a lil nat in my ear "shoo fly". I'm sure I will think of something eventually.

Anyway when I went to the airport day before yesterday to get my ticket the guard at the checkpoint right before you get to the airport said: "Ah-Salam-Malakim" to me as I entered and of course my reply was... "Hi you doin". What you thought I was going to say Malakim Salam? (lol) Well anyway the guy was like: "you speak english" I said: "uh ya" then he said: "you are American" , you get the gist of it. Anyway he said that he thought I was an Iraqi and then started on my camera about how nice it was, how bout you just say you want it and leave it at that. Well anyway my thought was that if he made the mistake of thinking I was a native then the same could be true to everyone else here. Well I decided that I wasn't willing to take a risk with some of these people here so I headed to the barbershop yesterday morning. What does a 3 dollar haircut look like...? Well Ill show you... :)

Love and peace

3 days and counting...


3 Dollar Haircut

3 Dollar Haircut Posted by Hello

Friday, March 18, 2005

We Have Really Big Rats...

Waring label Posted by Hello

Don't worry the sign is mostly for insurgents, stray dogs, dingos and lawyers. Besides this is just their way of saying stay out. Harsh I'll admit, but they get the point... Oh Ya and Really Big Rats...

Wave to the Nice Man With the Camera

Iraq New Army training Posted by Hello

They don't have the best of discipline, but I think they do it for show anyway. Kind of a presence thing if you see me then I must be there...
Unused Building Posted by Hello

No Longer In Service

Old Guard Tower Posted by Hello

I don't think this tower is up to code, but I'll check and see... This is the last bit of remnance of Saddam's empire. This is an old guard tower near the airport, but Im not sure if it was recently put to waste or if it has been for some time. Guess we will never know.......

Trailers in Our Uh... Park...

New Camp Posted by Hello

Uh didn't I say something about NOT making this into a trailer park... Uh what I meant was it WILL be a trailer park... Sorry for the mix up, but it wont be the first in Iraq thats for sure.. (lol Ill show you later)


Still The New Camp Posted by Hello

Ah Yes the location of our new camp yet again. I just wanted to show you the beauty of what this country has to offer. Well sorta anyway not sure about the resale value, but land is very abundant although I dont think you can grow much here so farms and trailer parks are out of the question. Did I say that out loud.....

Baghdad Camping Grounds...

New Camp Site Posted by Hello

This unfortunatly is the location for our new base of operations. Perty aint it... Ya well it beats... Something I just can think of what at the moment...

Terminal C

Terminal C Posted by Hello

I bet you can't guess what the sign says...

Yes Thats correct Terminal C how did you know...?!

Airport Any One....?!

BIAP (Baghdad International AirPort) Posted by Hello

Well I have been trying to get my plane ticket (first leg) for the past 5 days or so and every time I go to the airport they tell me their system is down. I'm beginning to wonder if it is ever UP. Well today was no exception for the lack of system connectivity, but I WAS able to get my tickeet anyway. I finally remembered this time to bring my camera so I could take a picture of the airport. I tried to take a picture in the terminal, but was quickly stopped by airport security and show the very small sign on the wall "No Pictures in the Terminal". Right thats the first thing I look for when I go to the airport a very small sign telling me what NOT to do. Sorry missed that one.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Days Are Getting Short

Well I wont go into details, but I ALMOST didn't have a flight home like I thought I did. All thanks go to the Mrs. and her scrutiny when it comes to our funds. I for sure have a ticket, the only problem now is its not here with me, but it will be (I hope). Other than that I am more anxious as the time goes by. 2 weeks ago I was happy that I was coming home, but could have stayed a few more weeks. Now I cant wait to get out of here...

I plan on taking some pictures tomorrow so you can have something to see other than my continuous banter. Till then keep you head down... I mean I will :)

Love, Life and the pursuit of a Good meal... (he he)


Tuesday, March 15, 2005

84 Days in Iraq

I have been in Iraq for 84 days as of today and will be home in 8. I have become a more rounded individual after being here and have learned to appreciate things from a more humble position than I had gotten use to. Man to think that when I started this journey I didn't have the slightest idea what was in store for the most part. I had done some research and calculated the numbers and estimated and calculated, but when it was all said and done logic and reason are thrown out the door. Because when your sitting in your room and your feel the concussion of a near by explosion reality sets in and the numbers don't matter any more.

I am thankful for a great many things, but none more than my family. I had said to my Aunt Ka Ka, that even though I am as far away as we have ever been that we seem to be closer than ever before. In some ways that's true just by the manor of our conversations. The first quarter of 2005 has proven to be a very interesting one to say the least. But the beginning of the second is the one I am looking forward to now. The time where I come home and sleep next to my wife (instead of the dog J/K), visit my family, attend a wedding and hopefully enjoy a good vacation somewhere sunny and warm with a nice oceanview.

Here's to Ocean Views...


Monday, March 14, 2005

What Is The Right Thing To Do

Was talking with a co-worker yesterday about the types of people we have here. Somehow we got on the topic of Saddam's sons and how they died during the war. Now I personally didn't know how they were killed, but the guy I was talking to seemed to know a little bit about it. Well the discussion got to Saddam's grandson who was like twelve if I'm not mistaken. Well at the time they were attacking the palace where the sons were and after it was said and done the 12 year old grandson was shooting at the troops. From the discussion he said they were just going to wait him out and take him hostage, but when it became apparent that he was going to give up any time soon and that he had enough ammo to wait it out longer than the military would be willing to do they had no choice but to shoot him. The thought came to me would I be able to shoot a child to save my own life and if so how would this affect me. I couldn't dream of killing someone no matter how mad I have been in my life. Well the guy I was talking to said that because of his military training he could do it without hesitation. I told him that if I had to I believe I could to, but I hope and pray that I never have to make that decision.

Another thing came to mind in kinda related to this situation. I am sure you have heard of the recent bombing that was done with a garbage truck. Well our garbage collectors and anyone that isn't a DOD (Department Of defense) contractor has to be escorted in our complex. How safe would you really feel knowing that your garbage man could be a possible insurgent just waiting for his chance. I think to myself about never having to worry about the garbage man and can't wait till I am home so I don't have to look over my shoulder at everyone near and far. The smallest things in this world mean the most. Granted not everyone in the US is a sane individual and some times caution is warranted, but you can't imagine the unease I get some times. I reach for my hip wishing I had my weapon, but there isn't one then I look around for the best exits and the best place for cover. This isn't how I feel all the time and I am in the safest place possible, but one thing is for sure here you are only as safe as you feel. From the immortal word of Tiny: "It's better to have and not need than to need and not have".

Coming home will be a strange transition.....

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Let There Be Light

Well for the first time in three days the sun is out finally. It has been a very cold, wet, and gloomy place here. Well its still wet and cold, but at least the sun is out and there isn't any visible sign of rain coming any time soon. I can hear the birds chirping outside as the sun begins to rise for the day. I didn't think my life would change so much just by me coming here for such a short time, but it has. Some for the good, some for the not so good. I can't even fathom what the next few months is going to be like for once the future is so apparent. I have to admit a level of uncertainty not know what's in store for me, but I also have a level of excitement. GOD has watched over me and for that I am forever grateful. I can only wonder what his "DIVINE PLAN" for me is, but I think I am up for the task.

At least I hope so


Friday, March 11, 2005

Diamond in the Rough Posted by Hello
I thought I would share my artistic side by showing one of my pics. This little piece of grass grows right in front of the door to the switch where we work. I have to admit that this little piece of grass from time to time has the power to make me smile. "The grass IS greener on the other side", the other side of the world (lol). Boy I crack myself up some times, but in honesty its true and this is just something else that GOD has shown me that I can appreciate.

The G-Man

Tiny I Weal Sowy Posted by Hello

This is Tiny the mechanic for the G-State where 2 of my lovely Aunts reside. He is really a great guy despite the dumb look on his face (LOL). But seriously he has been over here 18 months, from the beginning, and has seen more things than you or I can imagine. He is planning on leaving soon (for good) and he will be missed you better believe it.

Much love to you Big T

When it Rains it Pours...

Well this is you weather update for Baghdad today, Rainy all day with no visible indication that the sun is still there (lol). It has been raining for 2 days straight now. It will die down a bit then pick back up again, but it hasn't stopped since it started. The rain kinda acts a lot like it does in Texas really doesn't have anywhere to go so it make big puddles and really thick mud. But one thing is for sure the mud isn't the same. Here the sand is as fine as baby powder so when it rains the mud is like toothpaste, very sticky and hard to get through. The funny thing is though when it dries all you have to do is shake it off like dust. This has been you daily Baghdad Weather report.

Have a nice Day,

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

My First Midnight Shift

Since the elections things have been a little bit quieter than usual, but not completely silent. See when there is no sound is when you begin to worry and wonder when is it gonna happen. I can remember the first few nights I worked 3rd shift here after only being here for about 2 weeks. See it was right around the beginning of the year and I still wasn't use to being in all honesty. Having to wear a vest to the chow halls, then vest and helmets and back to vest again. See unless you have worn a helmet before it can be a bit weird at first. The only way I can describe it is like being so tired you can barely hold your head up and that's what its like wearing a helmet. Anyway so here I am working at 12 midnight by myself in the middle of a warzone. Now at first I use to leave the door open so I could see what was going on, not that I could see much even then, but it made me feel a little better. But after hearing a few rockets and mortars I quickly shut the door. Now Iraq has to be the darkest place I have ever been in this world. The bases don't use lights for fear of giving the insurgents something to aim for this is true with all the places here as well. So working at night for the first time hearing every little sound there is, but devoid of your normal cricket chirps or whatever you may be use to. It didn't help my peace of mind that we had the cameras in the switch room staring into the dark unknown. Suffice to say I closed the door and locked it for the first 3 nights I was on 3rd shift.

With everything they tell you before you get over here there is a deep fear that can only be matched by the best of horror films. You feel so venerable that you want to sleep with your vest on, but it just doest go well with the covers and helmet lol. You begin to wonder when and if something is going to land right on top of you, and I can't really remember when, but you stop worrying about it. I began to realize that I was safer than my mind lead me to believe and they want you to have a since of fear when you first get here so you don't forget where you are and thing your in the Bahamas or something. I have to admit the way they get you ready for Iraq is very interesting and it definitely worked in my case. I feel safe most of the time, but I am forever aware that there is a war being fought just a few feet away.

A lot of people believe that its a religious war, some believe we are fighting for better prices, but basically we are fighting for the sake of it now, because we don't have a choice. When or lose the US has there hands full and if we decided to pull out now the whole world would look down on us for leaving Iraq in such a chaotic state. Better for us to stick it out and make better whatever we can. The funny thing is I have always thought about the future and what it has in store for me, but as of late I cant see past the next week. I mean I have an idea what I want to do, but what exactly I will be doing when I leave here is another story all together....

Peace and Love peeps


Sunday, March 06, 2005

No Rest For The Weary....

When I was first told that I would be working 7 days a week for three months straight with not a single day off I thought I would go mad. To my surprise I became accustomed to the daily grind on a weekly basis and haven't had much of a struggle coming to work. Now mind you work is slow and my job is the easiest I have had in my life, but sitting in a office day after day for 8-10 hours each day can pick at you. I am thankful that it isn't the case with me. Don't get me wrong I would love a day where I would have absolutely nothing to do, but whatever it is I wish. None the less I have gotten use to working everyday and truly can appreciate a regular 9-5 or better still 7-3.

We have a lot more people than a month ago and I some times like to just watch them and see their responses. I'm not sure why people feel they have to act tough I'm a situation like the one we are in, but I see a lot of ego and attitude from some of the new people. I have no qualms about showing or even telling someone I am truly scared at times being here. And I consider myself a trooper one that can do just about anything if given the opportunity. I see people brag about this or suggest that their spouse really can't deal with them being here. I find that women are very strong creatures maybe even stronger than men. At any rate I think it's just their way of dealing with where we are and what is happening around us. Because I will be honest with you I have come to the realization that there isn't a single soul here tougher than that guy with a bomb strapped to his chest looking for a big target so he can go out in a blaze of glory.

Our Security detail has been getting more backup with a wide range of people from all around the world. British special forces guys, US special ops, French Foreign Legion, SWAT, you name it they have done it or seen it and live to tell the tale. I could have a blog that just specifically talked about their exploits and enough to talk about for years to come. They try to keep their distance so that it won't affect them as much if something happens. Nothing worse than having to watch a friend die while you were trying to protect them. I try to respect their wish or desire and not socialize too much with them, but I am truly fascinated by these people. I have befriended a few of them, but yet I still try to keep my distance and not bother them or invade their space. Which is probably the most important thing to people here "privacy". And that is a hard thing to come buy when you share a room or live right next to a guy literally just a foot or 2 away from where you lay your head. None the less we manage and I think me personally I will become a stronger person because of it. Rant over for now catch you on the flip side.

KP Out

One Love One Life
One Dream One Challenge
Eyes Closed
NEVER Succeed
One Eye Open
NO chance for Failure

GOD Bless

Friday, March 04, 2005

Animals Are Among Us

You know how many people can actually say to themselves I know what kind of wildlife is going to be in Iraq. See although you see SOME images of what Iraq looks like in all honestly you have no REAL depiction of what Iraq is really like. Take for instance who would have ever thought that there would be foxes or dingos running around Baghdad Airport. Or that the nations aviator would be a common fly (j/k but boy do I hate them flies). Not to mention who would imagine that the temperature would drop to near freezing, and in some places in Iraq it even snowed. Funny side note as some of you know, but most don't, Suddam named everything after himself and while I was searching for my flight back home I would try to fly directly from Baghdad, which on some websites is still called Suddam International Airport. Anyway back to my discussion on top of all the wildlife you would think to be here, there was a bat flying around in our complex this evening. And by the looks of how he was flying he was getting his feast on (echolocation he he). I have always been enjoyed wildlife (insert joke here Mrs. Dub). An have often dreamed of owning certain wild animals I mean come on who wouldn't want a 500lbs tiger to play with. I can't wait till this summer where the temperatures get up to a brisk 150 degrees (in the shade). 40 lbs is the average weight loss from what I am told. Can't imagine what I would look like minus 40 lbs man that nasty...

Well lately it has been quiet or quite as some would say (inside joke). Last night I was going to go to the chow hall after my shift, but our boss that's here from the States said he really wish I wouldn't go, because there was a lot of activity going on. For instance we heard a fight jet covering our area for most of the late night and Bossman said he heard Bradleys (tanks) all night on the highway. So after that he continued to talk my ear off till 1:30am and by that time it was too late to go to mid-night chow. Well I didn't hear much after other than the wind that is. It was very windy last night with a slight chill. It's funny when I was overlooking the Bay of Kuwait you never would have thought while looking at something so beautiful that there is a war going on just an hour away. I am really curious what my reactions are going to be like when I get home. Not hearing explosions in the distance or the sounds of gunfire off in the distance. I sure hope I don't lose any sleep over it... There is an interesting thought loosing sleep over NOT hearing guns and bombs. What is this world coming to...

KP Out

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Straight Out of a Video Game

Familiar Sight Posted by Hello

This Picture was take by a co-worker this is near downtown if I'm not mistaken. The funny thing is until now I had only seen this image in a video game. Imagine my surprise when I found out that it was real....

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day Posted by Hello

I tried to send this picture on the 14th, but the picture server was down. Well here it is K-Dub in Iraq for the holidays. Love ya K

My New Shirt (3 weeks ago) Old Now

My New Shirt Posted by Hello

I had my buddy Tiny (the mechanic here) take a picture for me this day and the reason I was smiling so big, was because he was telling a joke, not that I need a reason to smile BIG.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

No Doubt About It...

As the title says no doubt about it... I am coming home on the 23rd of March for 4 weeks. Its funny actually when I was at my lowest point I was so ready to come home then I kinda said oh well and since then I have been fine and could stay for another month. But none the less I bought my ticket today and if you think about where I am and where I am going it isn't a bad deal.

I fly from Baghdad to Amman Jordan and have to stay over night. I am going to places of legend and bible stories. I had a conversation with someone the other day that didn't realize that the Babylon was here in Iraq and neither did I till I got here. I won't be able to give the full details of my travels, only because we are instructed not to, but I will post pictures and comments after my travel is complete. But I have been blessed to visit 2 more European countries that I have never been to. Not only that but the ticket is paid for by the company. What a way to explore the World on someone else's dime.

I think that every time I look for the bad the good keeps poppin up and slappin me in the face. Here's to all the blessings that I have taken for granted from time to time as we all have at least once in our life. To the journeys I have been on and to the ones in the future. To the all the good people I have been blessed to have met and continue to meet. To the good health that I had and do have. To lessons learned and most especially the ones I continue to learn. And last, but definitely not the least my family and friends that have been there through thick and then, most of all my wife. We don't always agree, but we have one thing in common and is the love we have for one another, for life, and for our families.

Always and Forever ME


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Legal Debacle

I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but the second brother to get here has been let go. He got into an altercation with another guy and he pushed him down to the ground. Well the other guy didn't do anything to retaliate (not physically anyway) he just went to the management staff and told them of the incident. Well that night the brother, also know as J, started braggin about the confrontation to everyone at the fire barrel and well the next morning he was packing his bags.

He had exploded one other time in from of the guys before this situation arose, because one of the guys called him boy. This cat is from DC and from what I can gather he is trying (or was I should say) show everyone that he was the big dog on campus. I honestly didn't care for him too much, because one he had a big mouth, and secondly because I'm not to sure he knew how to tell the truth. Every time he opened his mouth something new came out and that's just talking about the same thing. I never made my feelings know, because I think he would have started the "I'm gonna check you game" and I don't play very well. We have a saying back in Dallas " Don't Talk About It, Be About It." Which simply put means let your actions speak for themselves, your mouth has no place. I try to live by that, by not braggin about my skills, or eluding to the fact that I am better than anyone else, now the key word there is try. Sometimes when the blood gets to flowin so does the ego.

The very next day The manager of my contracting company called me and asked my feelings on the situation and mentioned the fact that he would be seriously looking into it. Next thing you know J has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the lead company for racial discrimination. Now day before yesterday the manager from the states that threw the big party took the remaining 3 brothers to lunch and wanted to see where we stand. Well all of us for the most part agreed that J made the mistake of bringing his "Hood self" to Iraq and it got the better of him (along with the guy that instigated the confrontation, because he is still here and J is not). Well we went about our business and then the next day the manager from the states called me in to ask me something. Apparently the manager of our contracting company is spear heading the lawsuit or is working with J on it while they still have 20 employees on their payroll here in Iraq. Not only that but stated in the letter that we mentioned constant racial comments to management and they went ignored.

Well sufficed to say I was Pissed off beyond comparison. How is it you use my name, and he by slandering me, to push your issue that I have no vested interest nor anything to do with. I never said anything to anyone about agreeing with the actions of J, or that I felt uncomfortable due to racial discrimination. My name is apart of something I wish not to be apart of and is a lie within itself. Well I told the manager that what was written was a lie and that I had nothing to do with what they are talking about, but now I feel slided and wonder if it is necessary for me to take action against my contract company for the slander. The manager from the states advised us to let him take care of it, but I wonder if he will have our best interest at heart or his company's..?!?!