Sunday, September 11, 2005

Working Out Is Hard To Do....

You know it is actually quite funny, some times I will not write something, because I haven’t come up with the appropriate title that fits the topic of the day. This has been the case for that past few days, because I have had more than enough to talk about as you will soon find out.

Me and one of the guys from our security team (Marty) have become good friends over our time here together. We have similar interest, but more importantly we both like to play basketball. Well I have been struggling to get a routine down as far as getting back in shape, and Marty is an Marine reservist and has been working out for the past couple of months. Well he has been edging me on to go with him so we could work out together since our mutual friend (Patty), and his workout partner, is no longer here with us here in Iraq. He was fortunate enough to get a good job back home and is doing well from last I heard from him.

So I took him up on his offer this past Friday and have been getting my butt kicked ever since. He has this 5 day work out plan that isn’t for the faint of heart, but I can already feel a difference only after 3 days. The first day was back, and something else, and although I was drained by the time we left I wasn’t too sore the next day. Day 2 was arms and abs and that was another story all together. I am still aching after all most 36 hours and in some cases can’t fully stretch out like I would like, or like I was able to just a day earlier. After all the lifting we did we finished it off with 150 squats. So today was day three (legs and lower back) and he warned me that it would be a tough one. Well after the first exercise I was drained and didn’t think I would be able to finish the rest of the workout, but I pressed on none the less. Well I made it thru the next exercise and got to the third one and began to get queasy. Now he kept telling me that it was weakness coming out of me and urged me to push on, and then he told me to do 2 sets rather than 3. I wasn’t going to cheat myself out of a good workout so I decided to finish the 3rd set. Well half way into the last set I started to feel worse and wasn’t able to hold it down any further. Suffice to say I was embarrassed, but I wasn’t gonna go out like that. Fortunately I brought an extra shirt, so I went to the car got it and continued my routine.

After that I was more motivated than ever, so I pressed on full speed as hard as I could and finished everything that was put in front of me. My legs were mush by the time we left and I was having a hard time walking. My legs were dead and I was feeling the pain that’s for sure. This workout is probably the best thing I have done since I have been here in Iraq. I feel so much better only after a few days and the results that will soon follow will definitely put me in a better mood as well. By the time I come home I will have my new winter coat and a sunnier disposition to go along with it… haha

Love to All
All to Love



Theresa said...

Take it easy, Hot Stuff! You already showed that spider who's the boss. I think the 8-legged world is already on alert. You don't need to double your strength in a week.


Anonymous said...

dont work too hard in the heat.gma knows best.glad you feel better and will feel bette about dont have to impress already you gma

Anonymous said...

LOVE YOU! (can you hear me now??)

Anonymous said...

Hey K,
I wasn't sure how to get a thank you note to you so here goes. Thank you so much for coming to see the new house and generous gift. It was incredibly thoughtful of you. Now, I can't say that you haven't seen my house or babies :-) Stay safe and we are thinking of you everyday. By the way, AGGGHHHH!!! to the spider. I would have died right on the spot of seeing that thing.

K-Dub said...

Theresa - As always I am so pleased to hear from you. That monster had "10" legs so he was some genetic freak or something...

G-ma - I am so glad you are up and at it again. It is alway good to know that you are reading my blog. I love you too Ole Lady...

Moms - If not for you I wouldn't be half the man I am today, and I will do a little something for you to show you such. the reason I have love to give is because it was given to me... (I like that I am going to have to use that again) LOL

T, G and the Gurls - I was so happy to come to your house, and I will admit that I havent been the good friend I claim to be. As with the change in the wind so is the same with my life, and I will be the best at everything I can... "Love Ya"

Auntie K - Or better Aunt Ka Ka, my dearest loving aunt. Your continued prayers and teaching have had a big impact on my life and is a debt that I can never repay. I can only be there fo you when need be jusr as you were for me in my time(s) of need.

Love Always