Saturday, September 10, 2005

The Ugly, Big Ole Spider

Big Ole Spider Posted by Picasa

I finally got around to posting this creature that was trying to get free rent from me. As you can see he is not something you would want hanging around your door jam. I will have you know that this one is actually small compared to how big they can get, from what I have read. This is a common spider here in Iraq and although they aren’t large in numbers, well do I think you get my point. Winter here is right around the corner and I am actually looking forward to it. The cool air, the star filled skies with UAV’s watching over us. Another interesting moment to look forward to in Baghdad.




Anonymous said...

EEEWWWW!!! That thing makes my skin crawl just looking at it. Dag that's still a pretty big aracnid. Gross............

Theresa said...

Holy Moly!!!

In general, I'm not afraid of spiders, but that thing would make me cry like it was my first day of kindergarten.
