Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly...

Once again excuse me for my movie reference, but it is a good title and relevant to my situation. Well you may be wondering what is good about my situation and we can get to that later. The bad is the continuous misrepresentation of our current management team or at this moment just one manager. We have had constant intel that the insurgents are gearing up for attacks in secure areas. They have supposedly started a new travel policy that will reduce traffic in the area. It's a simple odds and evens, on odd number days only cars with license plates that end with an odd number are allowed on the roads, and on even day's even number license plates. This is actually a very good idea, but the only problem is this could potentially result in a lot more death trying to implement this idea. The Iraqi police would be the enforcers of this new rule/law, and if I am correct this would result in a great number of losses and potentially a lot of people quitting the police force.

The ugly would be the 3 inch spider that was in my room that I had to kill. Yes the infamous camel spider made its way into my room the other day (pictures to follow). This spider from hat I have read can grow up to 12 inches long and travel up to 10mph. Please don't be mad at me, but I would rather take a bullet than suffer the wrath of this thing. I wasn't able to find out a lot about it, but I wasn't going to find out by volunteering myself as a test dummy. I just hopwasn'twasnt the runt in the family, because I then I would have some problems... Sufficed to say I didn't sleep all that well that night...

The good would be everything I have learned, the people I have met and the countries I have seen because of my journeys. If I had not taken this job, I would have possibly never traveled to Dubai U.A.E., Amman Jordan, Amsterdam Netherlands, London England, Kuwait Kuwait, and Baghdad Iraq. Not to mention the other countries I will see before I leave. Now I haven't spent any lengthy about of time in any of these places like I would have liked to, but in my eyes that just makes coming back that much more interesting. I have learned a lot about myself and what I believe in, which I was middle of the road so to speak before my travels began. Most importantly is the amazing support I have received and continue to receive from family, friends and loved ones. BTW ma, I expect something from you within three weeks no ands ifs or buts about it.

Love Always my peeps...



Theresa said...

Puppies Good. Creepy Crawlies Bad!
How about you stay away from those spiders and the bullets?

Anonymous said...

Dang K making friends with 8 legged creatures. I know it can get boring but not that boring (lol)
Anyway make sure you have the medic on speed dial just in case. I hope you get some sleep