Thursday, September 29, 2005

And so it Ends...

Talk about a ripple effect....!!!

How ironic that one week after I send my email my services are no longer needed with MCI...

That right I have been terminated for standing up for myself and for what I believed to be a more important concern other than my employment. Although everyone that reads this web journal is probably pleased and although I assumed this was going to happen and even though I was fed up with being here under these circumstances, this was not the way I wanted it to play out. When it rains it pours and that is a fact.

Well I plan on fighting this tooth and nail this is not over for me and if they want my termination it will cost them… The media will be next to know what is going on over here, I mean if a guy can shoot himself in the foot and get rehired I sure in the heck better get what I deserve….!!!

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Doing the right thing is rarely the easy thing.

Yes, everyone wants you here because we want you out of harm's way, but on your terms, not theirs.