Wednesday, April 27, 2005

"Your Fired...."

I feel like I'm TV sometimes with the way things happen around here. "40 people living together in one complex while we weed out the weak ones leaving only the strong. Tune in next week for the next exciting tale of A JOB IN BAGHDAD."

I have only been back for 4 days and in that time we have lost or will lose in a day or so a total of 5 employees. Not to mention a few more within the coming week or 2. No only that, but we are losing some of the best people. The latest in this great number or "To Be Fired" is someone that has been here for 16 months and is one of the hardest workers here.

This place is falling apart at the seems and I truly believe its time for a manager overhaul. I can imagine that the workers are collectively messups while the managers are doing a reasonable job. That's the problem with Corp life it is always the same, more concerned about making more money than doing the right thing the right way. I will NEVER own, or operate under the same umbrella as a corporation. No matter what my people will be my first investment and primary concern. But enough about that I haven't eaten yet...

"Luv ya"



Anonymous said...

"What she said..."

K-Dub said...

Thats exactly what I do Vent in my blog. Truely half the stuff I talk about I would love to say out loud, but not exactly the right thing to do. Which is also why I haven't shared my web address with any of my co-workers.