Thursday, April 28, 2005

Farewell My Good Friend JACK...

What I am about to tell you I have know for some time, but didn't really feel like talking about it. Well as you may or may not recall we had a dog here at the complex and his name was Jack. He was a playful pup that has got here right about the time I did. Well those that know me know I love animals (save your jokes for later please) and so I grew attached to the lil pup.

Jack use to have a habit of barking all thru the night so while I was working nights I would take it upon myself to put him in my room so he would disturb the whole camp. Jack would often times grab my socks or a pair of boxers and run outside with them just beggin me to chase after him and as always I did. Then it became a tug-o-war match with my clothing the rope as well as the grand prize.

Jack didn't really care for the "LN's"(Local Nationals) that stayed at our camp. Iraqi Muslims consider dogs a dirty disgusting creature which I find really interesting considering there lack of cleanliness themselves. Well jack would always growl, nip, bite, and bark at people he wasn't familiar with as well as the LN's. Well none of the LN's would have anything to do with Jack and a few times he would have them running for cover, which I will admit would some times be amusing.

Well right before I got back I emailed a buddy of mine that was on leave as well to see when he was getting back. That's when I found out about my dear ole pal Jack. He said it was a good thing I wasn't there, because jack died and it is believed that he was poisoned. After getting back I then learned that he suffered for like 3 days before he died and someone mentioned rat poison as having that effect on larger animals. Sergeant Major (my Boss) was so bothered and wanting to end Jacks pain that he talked to the manager about putting him down. When he was finally given the ok to do so he went over to Jack and he was already dead.

No as tragic as this was this make me very uncomfortable living with people I don't know, can't communicate with, and have no idea what there allegiances are and to whom. If someone is willing to kill a harmless dog that at the very worse is nip you a bit then who's to say that they wouldn't do the same for someone they might have a serious disagreement with. I take comfort that Jack is in a better place, but he will be missed. I also take comfort in the fact that GOD is my protector and as long as that is the case I will be alright (with a little common sense and a careful eye as well).

Let is not forget Jack the faithful Mutt...
