Saturday, April 30, 2005

First Week Back Long Road Ahead

7 days in 82 out.

that's when I leave to go to MY bro's wedding back in the P. I wasn't going to come home til the last week in August, because as some of you know that is The Dubs wedding anniversary. The funny thing is I have missed so many family events since I have been over here and now its almost May already. To think that I have spent a quarter of a year in a foreign land just blows me away. Especially since I want so much to be home with my loved ones, but more importantly my WIFE. I have excepted the fact that I will be gone for most events this year with the thought that I will never have to again so long as I live.

Well a couple of guys came back from different locations outside of Baghdad, one guy Paw Paw just got back from Fallujah which just so happens is only like 20 miles north from Baghdad, but the route from here to there is so dangerous that our own security detail couldn't go pick him up. So he went down there to do a job that took all of 4 hours, but had to wait for the next convoy which was 5 days out. So for 5 days he was stuck there with nothing to do as far as work and not much else in the way of entertainment. So on his way back today he was in the lead Hummer with the convoy group heading back toward Baghdad when an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) went off right underneath them lifting one side of the huge vehicle off the ground a few feet. Well the army quickly responded with the 50 CAL killing three and a cow as well (just for good measure Paw Paw said). To give you an idea for those that don't know a 50 CAL bullet is roughly the length of your hand from your wrist to the top of your finger and about the thickness of a permanent marker (the big ones).

Fortunately (GOD Bless IT) no one was injured in the HUM-V thanks be to the man as well as some very thick armor plating that now covers most of the military vehicles here in Iraq. Paw Paw said that even after he got back his ears were still ringing from the explosion. There are a few stories around the camp about people in this group getting into attacks and living to tell the tale. It makes for interesting conversation, but I don't wish to be the one that has a story to tell. I feel just fine telling their stories for them. I find it also interesting, because I believe it is also a show of the Almighty's protection over us if you believe in that sort of thing I know I do.

and GOD Bless


Thursday, April 28, 2005

Farewell My Good Friend JACK...

What I am about to tell you I have know for some time, but didn't really feel like talking about it. Well as you may or may not recall we had a dog here at the complex and his name was Jack. He was a playful pup that has got here right about the time I did. Well those that know me know I love animals (save your jokes for later please) and so I grew attached to the lil pup.

Jack use to have a habit of barking all thru the night so while I was working nights I would take it upon myself to put him in my room so he would disturb the whole camp. Jack would often times grab my socks or a pair of boxers and run outside with them just beggin me to chase after him and as always I did. Then it became a tug-o-war match with my clothing the rope as well as the grand prize.

Jack didn't really care for the "LN's"(Local Nationals) that stayed at our camp. Iraqi Muslims consider dogs a dirty disgusting creature which I find really interesting considering there lack of cleanliness themselves. Well jack would always growl, nip, bite, and bark at people he wasn't familiar with as well as the LN's. Well none of the LN's would have anything to do with Jack and a few times he would have them running for cover, which I will admit would some times be amusing.

Well right before I got back I emailed a buddy of mine that was on leave as well to see when he was getting back. That's when I found out about my dear ole pal Jack. He said it was a good thing I wasn't there, because jack died and it is believed that he was poisoned. After getting back I then learned that he suffered for like 3 days before he died and someone mentioned rat poison as having that effect on larger animals. Sergeant Major (my Boss) was so bothered and wanting to end Jacks pain that he talked to the manager about putting him down. When he was finally given the ok to do so he went over to Jack and he was already dead.

No as tragic as this was this make me very uncomfortable living with people I don't know, can't communicate with, and have no idea what there allegiances are and to whom. If someone is willing to kill a harmless dog that at the very worse is nip you a bit then who's to say that they wouldn't do the same for someone they might have a serious disagreement with. I take comfort that Jack is in a better place, but he will be missed. I also take comfort in the fact that GOD is my protector and as long as that is the case I will be alright (with a little common sense and a careful eye as well).

Let is not forget Jack the faithful Mutt...



Wednesday, April 27, 2005

"Your Fired...."

I feel like I'm TV sometimes with the way things happen around here. "40 people living together in one complex while we weed out the weak ones leaving only the strong. Tune in next week for the next exciting tale of A JOB IN BAGHDAD."

I have only been back for 4 days and in that time we have lost or will lose in a day or so a total of 5 employees. Not to mention a few more within the coming week or 2. No only that, but we are losing some of the best people. The latest in this great number or "To Be Fired" is someone that has been here for 16 months and is one of the hardest workers here.

This place is falling apart at the seems and I truly believe its time for a manager overhaul. I can imagine that the workers are collectively messups while the managers are doing a reasonable job. That's the problem with Corp life it is always the same, more concerned about making more money than doing the right thing the right way. I will NEVER own, or operate under the same umbrella as a corporation. No matter what my people will be my first investment and primary concern. But enough about that I haven't eaten yet...

"Luv ya"


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Day 2 on the Job

I didn't get as much rest as I did yesterday, but I feel good none the less. The let another guy go today and didn't even have the guts to tell him before he left for break today. He went to the airport today and got on a plane to go back to Sri Lanka and after he left the packed his stuff in foot locker in preparation to send to him. They didn't even have the decency to tell him before he left. That was one of the things I was concerned about before I left, not because my performance was bad or anything, but I was having an issue with the current manager a few weeks before I left. After many headbutts and ill conversations I finally just decides to do my job go to my room and stay out of sight. Well it paid off, because right before the manager in question left (they do a rotation 2 months on 2 off) he commended me on my work and said he noticed a improvement in my attitude (ya right...). Basically I wasn't going to let him or anyone take from me what I believe was my blessing so I let bygones be bygones and just stayed out of the path of danger.

I often wonder what this place would be like if there wasn't so much havoc. Surprisingly enough there are flowers and shrubbery growing everywhere. I am also told that some flowers are resilient enough to last the harsh summers. I guess that's why they call it a desert flower... I still have a bit more to talk about, but I will bore you later with that.

K3 Outta Heeeerrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Monday, April 25, 2005

Back At the Scene

If you know what I mean. Well I am back on the job as of midnight and I think I should be ok. Recovering from a journey like the one I just got back from can take some time, but I thinking I am rested enough that I will work through it. I went to the court today to see if they were playing, but no one showed up so I shot around for about a half hour and then left. It was about 105 degrees when I left at 3pm and man it is hot. I feel for or military, because they still have to wear full military fatigues. Can you imagine wearing knee high socks, a tee shirt, pants and a long sleeve shirt not to mention a 20-30 pound vest and helmet, boots and weapon and its gonna get even worse up into the 140's I'm told.

Yesterday we had a little get together at the new camp grounds. That's when the drunks can drink without restriction and call it having a good time. One guy that has only been here for 2-3 weeks got in a car and was looking for something to do and got in a wreck. He was arrested by the MP's thrown in the stockade and when the manager went to get him out they took him straight to the PAX terminal and sent him home. Didn't even let him come back to pack his stuff. That's real cold hearted, but the price you pay for a stupid mistake.

Well all is well I haven't heard any attacks since I got here which is ok by me even though it took me awhile to get adjusted to that back home. I love you all and Ill talk to you soon.


Saturday, April 23, 2005

Home At Last, Well....

Well I have made it here safe and sound, or as safe as can be for Baghdad that is. I actually have a lot to post, but I need some rest from my long journey so I will post it tomorrow. I love you all and I will talk to you soon enough.



Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Back At It

Well my time has come and gone and there were several people I didn't get a chance to visit with. Too many to mention, but you know who you are and GOD willing I will see you on my next trip home. I was busy from the day I got back and up and at it non-stop. I have learned one valuable thing thru my time home.


Ya I definitely could have relaxed a whole lot more than I did, but like I said lesson learned. Well now that I am back on the Travel track I will be updating regularly once again.

One thing before I sign off and that is I really have found new love for people thru my travels. As you go and deal with people on a daily basis you begin to wonder if there are any more kind souls in this world and I'm here to say there there is. I thank all of those that I have met from here to there and the kind words during our short, but very good conversations. As I was going thru the checkpoint Mrs. Dubs and I had our last farewells and he said where is my kiss. I laughed and was actually going to call Mrs. Dubs Back to entertain him for a brief sec, but opted against. I mentioned that I needed the extra smootches, cause I had much further to go. Once I mentioned where he said wow and asked me my name and said he would say a prayer for me everyday. I unfortunately didn't get his name, but I wished I would have and as we parted to said be safe and take care. I must admit it warmed my heart greatly for a complete stranger to express himself the way he did. The response that I have gotten has been overwhelming and I just want to thank all of those strangers, family, and friends alike. Your words despite your desire for me NOT to do this helps make it that much easier.

So now I'm back at it.....

Love One Love All

Sunday, April 17, 2005

San Antonio "Sea World Texas Style"

For my very last weekend in Texas My wonderful wife and I came up with the idea of going to San Antonio. So we rented a van and gathered up all the folks and went for a drive. MB and myself drove the distance which only took us about 4 and a half hours which we pretty much split it up evenly between us. We left late evening on Friday and got there roughly around 1:30am. We got up had breakfast and went to Sea World and had a blast. After 2 attempts I finally got to pet the dolphins which for me was the best thing there. After it was all said and done we went back to the hotel and got cleaned up and went downtown to the Riverwalk. We walked for a bit then took a boat tour thru the river and as usual it came with a little history. I think everyone at this time was dragin so we got something to eat and headed back to the hotel. After a very good restful night we checked out the hotel and headed to San Marcus for a little shopping. They have a very large outlet mall there with every store you can think of. Mrs. Dubs and left with a just a few items ya right... Then we headed home since most had to work on Monday. Real quick and easy, in and out, fun and back again. Again somewhere I would like to spend more time at, but maybe next time. I want to thank all of those that went on our little weekend excursion, you all made it that much more enjoyable. Much love to my mother-in-law and her "all in attitude" it is refreshing to take a trip without debate. Well we have pics and I'll post them once I get them processed.

Love ya

Saturday, April 09, 2005

April 9th Dual Purpose

I didn't really get to spend too much time in Dallas as I would have liked, but I used my time wisely. Mrs. Dubs and I went to P-Town for my Uncle Ty's wedding and I was very glad I was able to make it. I thank them for keeping me in mind when selecting a date. I was also able to show everyone the Mrs. Dubs really does exist and isn't just a figment of my imagination. The day after the wedding we spent some time with my lil sister, my younger cousin and my nieces. We went to Chuck E Cheese and I think we had a pretty good time. I unfortunately didn't get to play any ball or spend any real time with my bestman and soon to be groom. I only hope I can fit the part as well as he did for me. I look forward to this July when I will be able to play my part.

It also was my sisters birthday although I wasn't able to spend any time with her or even talk to her for that matter. She texted me and I called back, but we missed each other. We will have to try again later.

K3 Out

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Jamaica Pt 2

Just a little update on what we did in beautiful Jamaica. Well the weekend was filled with sun and fun and I was we were as happy as can be. Mrs. Dubs and I went to Nagril and she actually went wind surfing with me... It actually is a lot different than you would think it is really calm and peaceful up there. After that I went cliff diving and boy was it a rush. We went to Pirates Cove when legend has it pirates use to hide in these caves to keep from getting caught by the royal navy. When you jump from the cliff there is a cave right behind you and you have to swim into it to get back up. Very cool... And on the very last day Mrs. Dubs and I took a carriage ride into town with a guided tour. Very informative and probably the best thing we did while we were there (other than eat and drink). All in all not as long as I wished but worth it none the less. I highly recommend it for a future vacation for everyone out there.

Love ya

Monday, April 04, 2005

Jamaica Mon

Been some time since I posted so I decided to let everyone know I am still alive and having a good time. Mrs. Dubs found some good rates to Jamaica so we decided to take a quick trip this weekend. We had a blast up to the last few hours we were here and it was well worth it. I wouldn't mind staying longer, but the Mrs. has to work and we still have a lot to do before our trek to P-Town. Lots of love peeps and see some of ya real soon.

Love Mr. And Mrs. Dubs
