Monday, August 29, 2005

Orion Has Returned...

The dumb managers continue, but I am not going to even start on that.

For those that do not know I have a fondness for the constellation Orions Belt. Well it has been on summer break and I haven't been to happy about that, but just the other day I saw him just before day break. I was happy to see my starlit friend there in the sky. I often think back to days past when I look up to the sky and the stars above. Back when I use to climb on the roof attached to my room and stare up at the stars. I know I'm not that old, but that seems forever ago. I am forever amazed at how simple life was back then. Nothing else mattered except the next game of basketball, or kickball or freeze tag. There weren't any wars or terrorist, or insurgents at least there wasn't on our block and growing up that's all that mattered was your block, your neighborhood, your small little speck on this world.

When did it start getting so complicated...? I can't really remember when the change happened. When the world started to affect me in ways I can't explain. Politics, religion, hate, love, greed, trust, poverty, equality, all apart of the complication of getting older or better yet more mature. Why is it we let these things affect us so much, for some they rule their lives like a drug. I still don't know at 30 (almost) what I want to do with my life which in a sense makes me feel younger, but I don't have the luxury of procrastinating as far as making a decision. When did it matter that you choice a career or a lifestyle that you wanted and why. Hunger must be setting in I better get something to eat... :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oops! You must be hungry you're starting to repeat yourself every two minutes :>)

I have just a minute at work to try and catch up on the blogs. I have just a couple of hours to go. I'll try to call on my way home tonight.

Love you