Saturday, August 27, 2005

My Evening STARe

As I look into the nights sky at the half moon in the darkness above
I wonder what doom is going to befall this land tomorrow
All the gloom in this world can only be conquered by prayers and love
Somewhere a fathers cries out, and a mother’s tears fall in sorrow
I look in the mirror and smile thinking of all the good in my life
My family, my friends, and loved ones and all the memories we’ve shared
I can’t imagine where I would be if it weren’t for the hard times and strife
No telling what kind of man I would have been if I wouldn’t have dared
To be more than they said I would to challenge those that were against me
To rise up again and again, against all odds, opposition on my back
My life has been a book and I share it openly for all the world to see
No matter who or what you are I have thwarted every single attack
I have overcome, I have endured I have survived everything thrown my way
GOD’s sword, my shied, his word has always been there for my protection
My strength has been tested time and again, but to this day I have yet to sway
So much can be seen when I look back upon my reflection
That is me… simply a grain of sand on a never ending beach
I will not falter, that you can believe with your hearts, I am perseverance
Lord knows my life has been a lesson, for other to learn and reach
For that place that seems so far away like in a dream, or trance
All you have to do is believe in what you see when you look in the mirror…

ken \KEN\ noun 1 a : the range of vision b : sight, view *2 : the range of perception, understanding, or knowledge. Means "strong, healthy" in Japanese

An interesting word that I found... Huh I like that...


Love and Peace


Anonymous said...

seems so fitting. The reflection in the mirror is as great as YOU belive it can be.

Think BIG, Speak BIG, Be BIG.

Theresa said...

No matter where you are, you take your courage with you.

Lovely and inspiring words, my friend.