Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Another Day Another Dollar

I have never trusted the decision making abilities of my employers, but that goes without saying. Any time you think it is more important to get a job done on a daily basis rather than care about the welfare of your employees then your incompetence speaks for itself. So like I have mentioned in the past we have a new multimillion dollar camp site (not worth a dime) that is the topic of discussion for most of the meeting I was at yesterday.

So now sergeant major calls me up out of dead sleep to attend the meeting the day before so apparently it more important for me to be at the meeting than it is to get sufficient rest for the next days work. The meeting is at 5:30pm and my shift starts at midnight. I treat it like I would if my shift were at 8 in the morning, so I stay up after I get off and go to bed between 3-4pm which just so happens to be 8 hours before my shift begins. Now if you have ever worked third shift no matter how easy the job may be you are aware of how difficult it is to stay awake if you do not have a good days rest. So yesterday I set my alarm 5 minutes before the time of the meeting. I wake up and go to the common area and they are still having a meeting with the LN's (local nationals). Their meeting is running into our time and I have only had about an hour and half of sleep. By the time they get done it is past 6pm and we still have to wait for everyone to get in and sit down. Kurt (who happens to be the manager of all things Iraq) works in Dallas but has been in Baghdad for a few weeks trying to get thing straightened out. He goes into his topics in regards to the new camp site and what the old site is going to be used for and so on and so on. Now it is almost 7pm and I am getting restless, because I am only going to get 4 more hours of sleep before my shift starts. Finally we end and he mentions doing the same thing again tomorrow which was last night. Well suffice to say I didn't bother waking up for the meting last night, the sacrifice of sleep for the stupid meeting wasn't worth it.

Here is my issue at the moment. The living conditions suck big time here I wouldn't ask someone I hate to live like this, which is irrelevant because I hate no one but you get my point. Well the old camp is where everyone has to go to work everyday it is where the equipment resides at the moment. The cost associated with moving the equipment within a timely manor is probably between 2-5 million and weeks of work. Now the other day I mentioned how dark it is at night and unsafe one can feel traveling to and from such a short distance. Well they want all of us to move to the new camp and travel back and forth to work which means someone traveling at night alone to work at midnight and the person on duty till midnight going back to camp by themselves. Why would you have us move when the place we are moving from is where we have to go when we go to work? Not only that if something happens with the equipment, those key individuals that might be needed have to travel which means that the equipment failure will last longer than if they were just 100 feet away like they are now.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid...

So the old camp is going to be used as a training facility for LN's that will eventually take over our jobs. Now I don’t know about you, but I don't feel comfortable about the decision to have someone with absolutely no background, well at least one that can be checked such as in the US, watching over millions and millions of dollars of equipment that is in service for OUR armed forces that was bought and paid for by our tax dollars. This is the same company that said no firearms in your personal living space and one guy did, shot himself in the foot and is still employed by the company after breaking the rule and from what I have been told has a firearm in is room now. The same company that allows and condones the use of alcohol even though the military states that anyone working for the Armed Forces is not allowed to have in times of war. Not only that, but our managers also partake of such banned substances, but we are suppose to follow there every command as if it was a good one to begin with. Our tax dollars are going to these fools and they do not even have our country or the people supporting our country (such as myself) interest in mind. For them its all about the payday which is why they are hiring LN's to do the same job for a fraction of what they pay us, but their cost stays the same...

I hate business at the cost of good people...

Don't get me wrong I am all for building up the Iraqi economy, but not at the expense of the American people...

These are evil times we live in...

One Life to Live One Love to Give...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Sorry I didn't have time to read the last few entries. But, I did get to read your Mom's entries. Please listen to your mother and just keep that vest and helmet on and don't venture out alone.

Love ya