Sunday, October 02, 2005

On My Way Out....

Well I still do not have a ticket at the moment, but I should be leaving today. I have given myself a couple of days in Dubai to change my ticket and to rest a bit before I head home. My phone will work over there, but since I am no longer employed and the charges are $2.49 per minute I ask that you call me sparingly. I will continue to update my blog and I will still have access to email so fill free to contact me via email. I am actually glad to be coming home I wasn't sure I could make it for another 2 and a half months... My biggest disappointment about leaving is not fulfilling my duty to my servicemen and women. I said that I would do a year just like those in the military for the sake of supporting them. Well I fell shy a bit and that bothers me more than not having a job or source of income. Everything happens or a reason and what comes around goes around. This is not the end of my journey, but just a new chapter with a sudden twist. I have a book to write, troops to support and a great many people to visit. I encourage everyone to take the time and support your troops not because they are our military, but because they are our friends, family and loved ones. We are their crutch while they are away and believe me when I say they need your support. From my time over here I have noticed that most of them (between 8 and 9 out of 10) do not want to be here. Show your support and remind them of how special they really are...

I will talk to you later

Love Always


I will talk to you later

Love Always



Anonymous said...

Hi, Kenley,

Have a safe journey home. I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you see my number come up on your phone, don't answer, just listen to the voice-mail.

Love you

Anonymous said...

Hey Kenley,
We're glad that you are coming home, but sorry that its under the particular circumstances! By the way, we WON our first game...Woo Hoo. Have a safe trip home!