Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy Independence Day

I thought the title was fitting considering my current locale and the reason for being here. We are trying to make yet another country independent for the good of the people. You know its times like this when I think to a good ole saying, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions". I truly believe in the general good outcome of our actions here in Iraq although we sure did go about it the wrong way. The bomb them back to an even less civilized state than they were before and them spend Billions rebuilding what we blew up for the sake of the Iraqi people. I fully believe that the people here doing the work are righteous individuals (for the most part) and care about the good of man, on the other had I thing that there are unqualified and ignorant individuals (especially in our case) that make the task harder than the job itself. In all my years in my field I have never seen a bigger mess in all my life and sadly this is the smallest operation I have ever worked on. Not to mention the sanctity of life is at the bottom of the list of concerns when it comes to the managers.

Well it is what it is and until we get someone that actually understands what we do around here. Would you hire a electrician to do the plumbing in your house and then complain when every time you flush the toilet leaks and the light flickers. No and that is our dilemma in a nut shell, we have some people here that think more when they are asleep than when they are awake (scary). So yet another day another dollar and I forget the day of the week and so on so fourth (get it). However I have not forgotten the face that I will be leaving here in 13 days... That's easy...

K out

1 comment:

Casey said...

To hear this saddens me. My husband's in Iraq now for the second time, and he says this year is much harder. Handing over control to the Iraqis puts everyone on edge.

Good luck to you, and a safe journey home.