Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Its been a long Time

It has been a long time since I have posted and mainly because a lot of feelings would come to mind when I would even think about it. I won’t deny the fact that I have considered going back many times. I am sure my family would be against it and in all honesty I no longer have a good reason to go. In my heart of hearts my first journey was something I was suppose to do and was instrumental in my growth as a person as well as a man. The funny thing is I would have never considered myself lacking anything for the most part; however this past year and a half has been one of healing and self exploration and not just because of Iraq. My Divorce also weighed heavy on my heart for a loooooooong time. There have been many ups and downs new friends and many acquaintances, but not nearly as much travel or vacation as I would have liked… LOL

My philosophy has always been live life to the fullest and always, absolutely always life before work… I find it interesting how people have yet to enjoy some of the more simple things in life. And that has been my goal when I meet new people. Try and show them the wonders that this world has to offer and how life can be enriched so much with little to no effort… Love is an important element in that exploration and some people have been receptive and others not so much. I can’t say that I blame them I find that in the last year or so I myself have become more set in my ways. As in life change is the only constant and I have constantly seen changes in my life to say the least. People I have trusted and loved have betrayed me, those I felt ill will toward have become more important to me that I realized, and as much as I want to move on and work on a relationship I have yet to find that overwhelming feeling I once remember.

My journey has taken me all over this country side, not to mention all over the world, and I have been blessed by GOD to continue to travel on that path even though I am not absolutely sure where it will lead me. I am a leaf in the wind and I enjoy the breeze and often take flight with little care in this world. I can remember when I was younger saying how I always wanted to travel and now that I have its like I can’t get enough. The wonders there are and so many places to see, so many interesting people to meet, so many different foods to try. Beautiful skies, deep blue waters, serene mountain scenery covered with lush green. Hills and hills of trees, hidden coves with amazing cliff sides and yet there is so much more to see… I won’t lie so much of this would be better with someone to enjoy it with, but only time will tell…..

And so the journey continues………..

Love Always……….


Ayatollah Mugsy said...

Hi K-Dub,
Nice to hear from you the other day. I'm glad you made it home safely. I love to travel, too, but Iraq ... well, let's just say it wouldn't be at the top of my list of destinations.

Tim said...

Hey Bro,

It's been like forever, since we've spoken. Karin and were praying for you while you were in Iraq. I'm glad to see you are still expanding your horizons. Never stop growing and never stop learning. Stay frosty.
