Wednesday, February 06, 2008

American Pride Reborn

In 1968 Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their fist high wearing a black glove in solute to black pride and power to the people. I recently just bought a bracelet in support of President hopeful Barack Obama, because I believe he is the best thing this country needs. It dawned on me that I could show tribute to my support by exposing my bracelet for all to see and what better way to show the black bracelet than to raise up my fist for all to see plain as day. What better transition from the pride shown around the globe in a day of suppression and identity crisis and from a country in need of a leader forged from not just black, but also white American.

Tommie Smith said "If I win, I am American, not a black American. But if I did something bad, then they would say I am a Negro. We are black and we are proud of being black. Black America will understand what we did tonight." With these famous words being said I am transcending the unforgotten memory from 40 years ago to today and with new purpose and meaning. If will forever be power to the people, but now it wont be only known as a
symbol of black pride but American Pride reborn. So for every American that believes in this country with all his heart and believes in a man that we can be proud to say is our leader raise your hands high showing the bracelet of hope for America.

Just as Tommie was 40 years ago I too am proud of being a black American, but I am more proud of the man that is trying to do away with barriers and bring us together as a people, as one nation under GOD. The world does not look at us the same as we look at ourselves, to them we are all just Americans and it is time we agreed with the world and followed a Great leader that is heading in that same direction. Forever and Ever...



Thursday, September 06, 2007

Road Trip, ATL here I come...

Well after spending nearly a year in the North East I will now be going to the South East (Again), but somewhere I have not lived before, visited, but not lived. So after getting back in the "Rat Race" this past February my job is ending here in the Philly Metro area and heading down to Georgia. After nearly 2 years from my return from Iraq and quick decision to move from Dallas back to my birthplace, I am slowly making my way back south. I had wanted to get back to Dallas recently realizing that my decision to move was not carefully planned or done with thorough contemplation. As of yesterday I have received word that I do have future employment in the great city of Atlanta. Not sure how long I will be there but it is the next step in the journey that will never end...

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Its been a long Time

It has been a long time since I have posted and mainly because a lot of feelings would come to mind when I would even think about it. I won’t deny the fact that I have considered going back many times. I am sure my family would be against it and in all honesty I no longer have a good reason to go. In my heart of hearts my first journey was something I was suppose to do and was instrumental in my growth as a person as well as a man. The funny thing is I would have never considered myself lacking anything for the most part; however this past year and a half has been one of healing and self exploration and not just because of Iraq. My Divorce also weighed heavy on my heart for a loooooooong time. There have been many ups and downs new friends and many acquaintances, but not nearly as much travel or vacation as I would have liked… LOL

My philosophy has always been live life to the fullest and always, absolutely always life before work… I find it interesting how people have yet to enjoy some of the more simple things in life. And that has been my goal when I meet new people. Try and show them the wonders that this world has to offer and how life can be enriched so much with little to no effort… Love is an important element in that exploration and some people have been receptive and others not so much. I can’t say that I blame them I find that in the last year or so I myself have become more set in my ways. As in life change is the only constant and I have constantly seen changes in my life to say the least. People I have trusted and loved have betrayed me, those I felt ill will toward have become more important to me that I realized, and as much as I want to move on and work on a relationship I have yet to find that overwhelming feeling I once remember.

My journey has taken me all over this country side, not to mention all over the world, and I have been blessed by GOD to continue to travel on that path even though I am not absolutely sure where it will lead me. I am a leaf in the wind and I enjoy the breeze and often take flight with little care in this world. I can remember when I was younger saying how I always wanted to travel and now that I have its like I can’t get enough. The wonders there are and so many places to see, so many interesting people to meet, so many different foods to try. Beautiful skies, deep blue waters, serene mountain scenery covered with lush green. Hills and hills of trees, hidden coves with amazing cliff sides and yet there is so much more to see… I won’t lie so much of this would be better with someone to enjoy it with, but only time will tell…..

And so the journey continues………..

Love Always……….

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A Day Late But I'm Back...

It has been a long time coming since I have posted, but I realize that there was great joy in expressing myself and it can some times be such a great stress reliever. I had planned to do many great things in this world, but I let things that got me down and get in the way of progress. I am trying to move past that, but it isn’t as easy as it may seem. The funny thing is when my life was threatened I got things done and from 7000 miles away, and now I do not have the same drive. I know why I do it, but it isn’t excusable. I will begin writing again to get things back on track and hopefully I will do what I need to with the right motivation...

Peace and Love


K 2 Tha

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Back up Again...!!

Well I had a moment of weakness and although my situation has not changed the fact that I am back in the good ole USA has put me in a much better mood. Despite the fact I am still running into adversity I am still much better off than I was even yesterday. This will be the first time I have mentioned it, but if you haven’t noticed early on I spoke very highly of the woman in my life, but I make no mention about her nowadays. There are many reasons, but to make a long story short we are in the process of divorce. This has been a long time coming, but I never gave up hope that it would work out; until I realized that it wasn’t what it should have been to begin with. All I can say is we are better off with the decision that I have made as far as dissolving our marriage.

With that being said I want to again thank all of those that have been so very supportive of my journey despite the fact it was against their wishes that I went in the first place. I was talking with the first Generation (me being Kenley the third) yesterday and I mentioned to him how if you read my blog from the beginning to the present you can see how much I have grown as a person. His comment to me was a shock and it a smile to my face, and he simply said: “I don’t have to read anything to see that you have grown as a person, I can see that just in our conversation and how I carry myself today versus how you did before.” He mentioned the fact that he was pleased with how I have grown and I made a joke saying it only took 10 months in Iraq to do it… LOL

Life has a funny way of playing tricks on you and just as soon as you have the game licked you find out you are now three steps behind rather than 2 like you thought before. Now although I am three steps behind I am a much more rational person and the lessons I have learned makes it that much easier to deal with. I remember how I felt when I first got to Iraq and how lonely I was and how I felt so unsupported by my family and my wife. I soon realized that it wasn’t anyone’s place to support me on the decision that I made it was my decision not theirs…! I reached deep into myself and found that strength that I once had not so long ago and was able to endure my time without the help of anyone. I was feeling the same a couple of days ago on my last post as I was in the beginning and the fact that I realized that allowed me to snap back much faster. I did have help from my loved ones and friends as well and that made a big difference as well. I am not saying that the support I received wasn’t helpful to my survival quiet the contrary it was. The emails and comments on my blog and numerous phone calls from aunts and uncles as well as friends, brothers and sisters. My mom started her own blog and although we never really talked about my endeavors she always told me she was proud of the man I became and that helped a lot. Not to mention the dearest friend that I met through my blog as well as hers Theresa. Theresa you have made a big difference and you came in my life at the best of times. As the saying goes GOD doesn’t come when you call, but he is always on time. Simply put when I needed support not when I just wanted it because I was feeling sorry for myself it was there and in abundance.

I am truly sorry that things didn’t work out between me and Miss Newton, but I learned a great many lessons from my unsuccessful marriage. I say that because I do not think it was a failure, I was able to learn a great many things about myself and about being with a woman in that type of relationship. Fortunately it will make me more cognizant of what I am looking for and what I am willing to sacrifice and also will make me a better husband the next time around.

Well folks although the journey hasn’t ended I am home and it’s good to be back…

GOD has smiled at me and I smile back... :)

I love you all

Kenley Royce Wade III

(Don’t have to hide anymore I am home…)

Kenley Means The Kings Meadow in Old English

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

A Good Guy Down...

Every since last night I started to get real down about my situation. I tried to dismiss the random thoughts that were racing in my head, but without the support I have had recently I have found that my weakness is taking over. I begin to think of those that I have met and how my heart aches thinking that I will no longer be with my brothers. To think that I set out to support those that support us and now I feel full of pity and useless. I decided to take a couple of days in Dubai thinking that it would do me some good and at first it did, but I have worn out that good and now linger on utter sadness. I hate feeling like this and for some reason I can’t shake it no matter what I try to do.

So I check out my hotel not wanting to sit there and dwell on the negative and hoping I can just go to the airport and find a quiet corner and chill maybe listen to some music. I get to the airport and go to the reservation desk hoping I can change my ticket which I had originally scheduled my return for the 15th of December. The usual I will just ignore you even though you are standing in front of me obviously wanting help routine was in full effect. I am finally asked if I can be helped and I explain what I am trying to do. He gives me the number for the airline that my ticket has been purchased for. I call and again explain what I need to do. The representative asks for my name and he finds my flight details, he quickly tells me my flight has been rescheduled for today and asked if I had a fax number. I told him I could ask the gentleman that originally helped me at the ticketing desk and I gave him the information. I asked how much I owed and he said nothing you are all taken care of. In the mist of what I am going through to hear that was the relief that I needed right then… I smiled got off the phone and sat close to the desk waiting for them to fax my travel itinerary.

I plugged in my earphones and was tried to pass the time by listening to some music, well the effect was one that I could have lived without. I began to think about the military personnel that I supported and how I would do anything to help them and found it honorable to be in the position I was in. Just seconds passed when I started to get chocked up with emotion and it was hard to hold it in. Even now just typing about it has got my eyes a little watery and I am doing everything in my power to hold back how I feel. I do not like to believe I fail in anything, but my immediate withdrawal from Iraq has got me feeling just like that. 2 and a half months is all I had left and I would have been home again with an overwhelming feeling of success in the eye of danger. Although I know a great many people are very supportive and relieved that I am coming home I can’t shake how I am feeling. This will have been the hardest thing I have had to write since I have been in Iraq and I can’t help but feel alone. All I wanted to do was support my family, my loved ones, and my country with honor and dignity and now I am reduced to an unwanted, discarded employee as if there was something I did to deserve being removed from my position.

As I hold back the tears and continue with my train of thought I yearn to be back with my coworkers and in the middle of a war that is neither our concern nor our focus. Please do not confuse my feelings with having grown use to the environment or even the income that I acquired in these last 10 months. Money has never been a driving force for me to do what I want to do even though it has helped I despise money and what the problems it has caused me over the years. The way I am feeling now is like I have loved and lost completely. I have felt this way before and it can be so overwhelming that I can think about anything else but it. My throat has a lump lodged in it and my heart aches like never before and I find it hard to breathe my nose is runny and it is taking every ounce of my being to keep from crying out. I can only say I am truly glad I am in public because I wouldn’t be able to control it otherwise nor would I have wanted to. With all that is going on in my life to be dealt this blow has truly affected me more than I thought it would. Please forgive the rant, but I had to write how I felt and although I have had to stop several times to regain my composure I can feel good about letting those that are concerned about me know where I am right now. Please bear with me and just continue to pray and be supportive, but just give me time to come to terms. Please do not email me asking if I am ok and, I don’t do it often, but for this post I will be turning off the comments.

My Moment of Silence

My mind floods with thoughts joys and pains all alike
Successes and failures, trials and tribulations
I hold back the feeling of spite knowing that it's not right
Weakness sets in and tears fill my eyes but do not fall
To think that speaking out against one I do not like
Has brought me to this unfortunate situation
Hours will pass as I sit here awaiting my flight
I look at my phone, but who would understand who do I call
A feeling of dread is beginning to overwhelm me
A sensation that maybe I am somewhat to blame
I look inside for strength just to get through today
Trying to occupy my thoughts with idle things to do
My vision seems blurred and I can no longer see
I never wanted acknowledgment for what I did, wasn’t looking for fame
Didn’t care what people thought didn’t want to hear what they had to say
I just wanted to do the right thing; I wanted someone to see to

My concerns and feelings about what was where we were
To take to heart the things we are put through daily
Understand that we are giving our best under undue pressure
And for that I am forced to depart with a heavy heart
I maybe down for the moment, but not out that’s for sure
When I regroup, and in time I will, they will be no maybe
Someone will have to come to terms, and my thoughts will be the measure
No longer where I was in my mindset like I was from the start
Wounded, but still moving forward just as before
Just, yet again, something for me to move past
Short of breath and an ache in my chest
Just like if there was something important I have lost
No longer going to sit here and take it anymore
I will do all that I can to make my words ring out and last
All I can do, like I always do, is give it my best
GOD willing I will do it no matter what the cost…

Please pray for my strength...

I love you...


Sunday, October 02, 2005

On My Way Out....

Well I still do not have a ticket at the moment, but I should be leaving today. I have given myself a couple of days in Dubai to change my ticket and to rest a bit before I head home. My phone will work over there, but since I am no longer employed and the charges are $2.49 per minute I ask that you call me sparingly. I will continue to update my blog and I will still have access to email so fill free to contact me via email. I am actually glad to be coming home I wasn't sure I could make it for another 2 and a half months... My biggest disappointment about leaving is not fulfilling my duty to my servicemen and women. I said that I would do a year just like those in the military for the sake of supporting them. Well I fell shy a bit and that bothers me more than not having a job or source of income. Everything happens or a reason and what comes around goes around. This is not the end of my journey, but just a new chapter with a sudden twist. I have a book to write, troops to support and a great many people to visit. I encourage everyone to take the time and support your troops not because they are our military, but because they are our friends, family and loved ones. We are their crutch while they are away and believe me when I say they need your support. From my time over here I have noticed that most of them (between 8 and 9 out of 10) do not want to be here. Show your support and remind them of how special they really are...

I will talk to you later

Love Always


I will talk to you later

Love Always